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The restaurant was an upper class, snobs paradise and I could tell that the bitch from hell would fit in here perfectly. I could just imagine her sipping champagne and mocking anyone that didn't fit into her warped idea of the ideal person.

I also knew that I was as far from that ideal as possible, especially in her eyes.

She barely knew me and yet she found herself feeling the need to act all self righteous and look down on my life choices despite the fact she'd made some major fuck ups in her time. There was no chance she'd told her upper class pals that though.

She was as fake as they come.

I had no idea where she'd come onto the wealth she oozed like cheap perfume but it was most likely not actually her money. Probably married some rich idiot who was fooled by her acting skills.

Because that was what it was with her, a huge act.

At least I was living my truths whether you agreed with them or not, at least I was honest about who I was.
Grayson and I were the last ones to arrive and my siblings were all sat around a large round table, my bio mum was sat scowling at me and Grayson clearly unimpressed that I'd brought him along.

"Addie, couldn't come alone" off to a great start. Mocking me already.

"Oh no I could I just didn't want to" I smiled my fakest smile and batted my eyelashes trying to play the dutiful daughter.

Grayson and I took seats in between Tyler and Miley and Miley immediately grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it tightly in her lap. She was obviously just as unimpressed as I was and I was grateful for my big sisters support. I noticed a spare seat and wondered what she was up to inviting us to this lunch. Something didn't feel right. Everything felt off. Fake.

"I missed you" Miley whispered flashing me a small smile

"Missed you too Mil"

"Miley your sister is not a baby so she really doesn't need you holding her hand and treating her as such" Miley was startled by this retort and her body shook in shock at the harsh outburst. She dropped my hand and I pulled it back feeling sorry for my sister now getting the evil treatment.

"Addie I assume you borrowed that dress from a friend. I didn't think you'd have something appropriate in your wardrobe" and the attention was back on me. Wow she really would stop at nothing to make people feel small would she?!

"Actually it's mine but I'm so happy it meets your standards" I snarled back feeling my entire body tense in anger.

"It's a nice dress but I can't wait to rip it off you then  fuck your brains out lately" Grayson said in my ear loud enough for everyone to hear. He kissed my neck and I had to suppress a moan from escaping my mouth.

"Dude that's my sister" Nat groaned putting his face in his hands as if he was trying to hide.

"Yep and she's my wife. We have kids Nat. How do you think we made those kids?" Grayson found my brothers awkwardness highly amusing and totally ignored the evil look the bitch was firing his way. 

"Let's not have such vulgar discussions"

Why are you jealous?" Grayson snorted flashing his trademark grin at her. I giggled and rolled my eyes at how stuck up and snotty she was.

"What discussions should we have? Why are we here?" Tyler blurted out sounding like he didn't trust her much more than I did. It was good to know I wasn't the only one that wasn't buying this mother of the year act.

"I wanted you all here so that we could try to move forward together..... as a family"  she spoke in a much softer, totally fake caring almost maternal way that creeped  me out.

"As a family" Cameron repeated with a dark chuckle almost mocking her words as a joke.

"Yes there is so much I have missed out on and that's my fault but we can move forward. I'd very much like to be a put of yourself lives"

Suddenly a man in his late fifties with grey hair and soft green eyes joined us. He was well dressed and wealth dropped from his bones. His gaze fell upon us all then his eyes lit up when he laid them on the hell beast.

This answered so many questions. He was her money source. Her own personal bank. My heart ached for him.

"Kids this is my husband Thomas Miles Beckett. Thomas these are my children. Tyler. Cameron. Nathan. Miley and Addie. Then that's Grayson, Addis's husband"

"It's wonderful to finally meet you. Lillian has told me so much about you all" Thomas greeted us with a warm smile before kissing Lillian and taking his seat beside us. Her entire persona changed the moment he was nearby. She become soft, warm and like a normal human being. It was fucking weird.

I looked at Miley who just shook her head at me to tell me she was finding it just as weird.

"Addie I was so sorry to hear about your daughter being so poorly. I'm sure she's living spending so much time with her grandma. Lillian enjoys getting time with her granddaughter and being able to give you a break" Thomas explained to me and I choke on my own spit in horror at the lies she'd told him.

Grayson quickly past me a glass of water whilst narrowing his eyes at Lilian like he  was ready to snap.

"You are right Thomas, Gracie is particularly close to my mother and Rose. They have been a huge help during such a difficult time" Grayson's words were doctors at Thomas but his eyes focused on Lillian letting her know that he would not play a part in her game and especially not ones that involved our kids.

"It's amazing how families come together in times of great need" Thomas nodded sweetly clearly so far under Lillians spell that he was blind.

"I couldn't agree more. Addie is lucky in one way. Gracie isn't actually Grayson's. Gracies father is his twin brother Hunter. So Addie has an extra pair of hands to help her" Lillian countered Grayson's comment with a low blow of her own that aimed at shaming me and my choices. The ones she so clearly hated.

"Well life isn't a straight line is it" Thomas chuckled seeming neither affected or judgemental. I kinda liked this guy. 

"Addie has a car accident and nearly died. I wonder if it affected her brain somehow" Lillian snarled back clearly having hoped that her revelation would have held more impact than it did.

"How would you know?" Grayson snapped standing up so fast he knocked his chair flying behind me.

"I'm so sorry Thomas, it was lovely to meet you but I've lost my appetite" Standing up I smiled at my siblings then grabbed Graysons hand and let him lead me out of the restaurant and to the car.

It might have been childish or weak to leave but I couldn't sit back and let that woman insist me, act like she's a part of my family when she's got no chance of ever being a part of my children's lives.

Perhaps my siblings had more tolerance or felt a closer bond with her but it was me that found her unconscious with a needle sticking out of her arm. That day haunted me for years. It was Rose, my mum that saved me from those nightmares. It was Rose that held me when I cried and cheered  me on when I achieved things as a child.

Rose was my mum. Lillian was just a distant nightmare. I had no inclination to change that.

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