✯Chapter 24✯

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Going to see Levi was as adventurous as I thought it would be. The nurse came to me in the middle of the night, after visiting hours, and helped me from my bed onto a wheelchair. She told me to be as quiet as I could and walked me to Levi's room. It was kind of cute how she really didn't want to get into trouble. He wasn't staying in the ICU anymore, but he was staying in a room on his own just like I was.

My heart was beating like crazy by the time we were in front of his room. We went inside. Levi looked at the nurse at first and didn't notice me. But when his eyes met mine, I felt like jumping out of the wheelchair and running to him. But I couldn't. My legs felt like jelly.

"Hey," I said awkwardly.

"Hey," he replied, smiling a bit now.

There it was. The smile that I've been longing for. The nurse placed my wheelchair next to his bed.

"I'll be over here," the nurse told me, pointing at the door.

"Thanks," I told her.

She went back to the door. I looked back at Levi.

"How... are you doing?" I asked him.

"Could be better," he said, "My left arm is busted, and my back is killing me. I'll need therapy for a couple of months, but I think I'll be fine. What about you?"

It was true; his entire left arm was covered in bandages. But fortunately his right arm looked fine. His face had a couple of scratches as well.

"I'm... okay," I said, "I'm supposed to get discharged tomorrow..."

"You don't sound okay," Levi noted. He started reaching out to touch my face, but he stopped. He looked like he was in pain.

Quickly I placed my hand on top of his. "Don't do that, don't move," I whispered, "Please, I don't want you to be in pain."

He sighed. "Sorry. You shouldn't worry about me. But seriously, what's wrong with you? You look like you've cried."

I grimaced. "You know me so well..."

I started telling him about what happened between me and Colt. I told him that I contacted the detectives about the stalker case. I told him about what Tina and Oliver did. And I told him about how shitty I was feeling. He didn't say anything and just listened. He didn't seem to be feeling bad for me or gave me any sad looks. He didn't seem jealous that I was talking about Colt once again. I was thankful for that.

I didn't want there to be any secrets between us. Not from Levi's side, and definitely not from my side. I knew now how it felt like to be hurt by someone you loved because he was keeping secrets from you. It was the last thing I wanted between us.

I stared at Levi's right hand. His fingers were also bandaged. He must have been in so much more pain than me.

"I'm sorry," Levi said suddenly.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked him surprised.

"Because when I was following him, I knew that he wasn't going to his work. He was nowhere near his workplace. I... didn't tell you this, because you were so depressed and sick that day... I would have made you feel worse."

I shrugged. "I see. Was... there anything else that you didn't tell me about? About Colt?"

"Well..." He hesitated. "There was one more thing."

Oh God, I had a bad feeling about this...

"The day after he left the motel with Carly, he went back to the same motel. With someone else." Levi frowned. "We knew that he was on dating apps and such, so that shouldn't be too much of a surprise, but I can't pinpoint how many women he was sexually active with while he was with you." He squeezed my hand a bit. "I hate telling you this... But I think that Colt is an even worse piece of shit than you can imagine."

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