✯Chapter 14✯

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I decided to call in sick on Friday. I didn't want to confront the curious questions of my colleagues and the few students who were there. Besides, I wanted to spend some time getting the hang of my new phone.

What caught my attention was how amazing the camera was. The images were razor sharp. I started taking photos everywhere I turned. If it wasn't for Levi who found me taking pictures of a couple of ants who were gathering next to the TV, I would have continued taking pictures. It seemed he had a day off today.

"I assume you like your new phone," he stated, smirking.

Levi looked like he was ready to head out. He was wearing the same cargo pants as the day of the party, which brought up a lot of memories.

"I do," I replied, blushing a bit, "I can't thank you enough. But how much did it cost?"

"It's a gift, what does it matter?" he said.

I pouted. "I owe you."

He shook his head. "No, you don't, Scarlett. But why are you taking pictures of the floor?"

I laughed sheepishly. "I can explain," I said.
"Well? Go ahead."

"The camera is so awesome," I told him, standing back up, "I started taking pictures of everything around me. I couldn't help it."

Levi walked up to me. "May I see?"

As soon as he was less than a foot away from me, I felt my heart rate speed up. Although I had accepted the fact that I was starting to develop feelings for Levi, the physical evidence of that was still embarrassing to face head-on.

I showed him the pictures on my phone. He hovered over me and watched along.

"Instead of taking pictures of random inanimate objects and ants, why don't you go out and take other pictures?" he asked me, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Uhm, well my car is still at work," I said, trying hard to focus. Why wasn't he backing away already?!

"Oh, right, your car. That's why I'm here." He took a step back. "Want to go pick up your car? You'll need a ride there anyway."

"Sure," I said surprised, "That would be great."

"Seriously though, I think you could end up taking beautiful pictures if you took this seriously," Levi said with a smile.

I blushed again. I didn't tell him anything, but I was curious about it, too.

"Do you want to... go to the amusement park with me later?" I asked, unable to look at his intense gaze.

"What?" He sounded surprised. I couldn't blame him.

"I want to... make it up to you," I explained to him, "even if you don't want me to pay you back."

"Really? It's not necessary."

"At 7," I insisted.

"And you need to go to Colt's to sign those papers today, too."

Damn, I completely forgot about that... or maybe I wanted to forget. My mood got ruined just like that.

"I didn't call him to make sure he has them," I tried.

"Scarlett, you weren't going to call him anyway. I'll go with you to the amusement park if you handle the divorce issue first. Promise."

I couldn't say 'no' to that.

I was a bit worried that we would encounter Colt at school again. But fortunately, we didn't. I was able to have some alone time when I was in the car, but there was only so much I could do to avoid the situation that I was about to face. I hadn't even told Tina or Coraline about what was about to happen.

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