Blue Dresses and Family Pictures

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The car stops after a tauntingly long drive. I hold my breath, gripping on to the sides of my sweatpants to prevent my hands from moving to my eyes.

They remain shut, the cloth tied around them adding to the dark image in my mind.

I tried to take it off countless times not only because I wanted to see where we were going but because it added too much to my anxiety. Each time, I was warned that I might have to say goodbye to my fingers if I tried again.

The doors open and the heat radiating in my surroundings decreases as the people exit. I gulp nervously when I hear my own door open.

Strong hands wrap around my arms before jerking me out of the car. I yelp, almost falling when my feet land on the ground.

I wait to hear someone speak, an order being barked, anything. Nobody says anything but instead, we start walking. My heartbeat feels like it has multiplied by ten and it feels louder than any other sound.

It's okay. It's okay.

Mason's words echo at the back of my mind.

I groan as another pang of pain hits me. I have a massive headache, from the stress and worry, hitting my head on the table and probably the fact that I haven't gotten any sleep. While my brain is trying to convince me to stay alert, my fatigue is catching up on me.

We stop, a hand still holding my arm captive and finally, someone speaks.

"Good morning, boss."

Morning? Morning?

There's no reply but I hear a door open before we continue walking. It closes behind us and we come to a halt. My arm is released and I rub the spot, trying to ease the pain.

I tense and remain still when fingertips brush against my face. The knot behind my head is untied and the cloth falls from my eyes.

They remain shut for a few seconds before I slowly open them. The light intensifies my headache and I squint my eyes.

I look around at my surroundings and realise I'm in a house. A very spacious and marvellous house.

Many unfamiliar faces come into view. Men and women of various ages dressed in uniforms.

Most of them wear black suits familiar to those of my prisoners. A few others also wear black suits but theirs are more sophisticated and worn over white shirts. I notice a woman, upstairs, passing by the stairs before walking into a room. She's wearing a long sleeved navy blue dress.

What is this place?

"Maya," Mr. Coleman speaks and I jump up, startled, "welcome to my humble abode."

I almost snort. There's nothing humble about this place; it's practically a castle.


I look down at the piece of black cloth in the other man's hands.

If he knew he was bringing me to his house, why did he need to blindfold me? He's rich and well known, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult for anyone to find this house.

Immediately, the thought returns to my mind.

How will I escape?

I touch the pockets of my sweatpants in anguish, remembering that my phone was taken.

"Ophelia!" Mr. Coleman calls as he begins to walk up the stairs.

There are two sets of staircases, curving up and leading to the second floor.

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