Chapter 7

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After I visited the Gutierrez, I tried walking to the bus station to take a bus home hoping Eva will be there waiting for me.

The sun shifted a fraction of an inch and the rain started pouring without people noticing, I was prepared for the cold but not the rain. Why was I feeling cold if I was putting on my coat? I looked at my body, I wasn't wearing any coat. I must have forgotten it at the Gutierrez mansion. I sighed and assumed the day couldn't get any worst.

But it was worst.

When I finally got to the bus station, my clothes were already wet. I sat down on the bench under the shade waiting for the bus but it didn't come.

Dear God, why do I have to face this today? I wish someone will push me out of this miserable situation.

I heard someone murmuring something thinking the person was talking to me but to my surprise, he was talking on the phone. I could see my bra showing under the wet white T-shirt I was putting on. My bun was loose and it became a mess.

He stretched his jacket to me hoping I would take it to cover up.

God, is this the person you sent to me?
I looked at him. Confused, why do I have to come across another guy after breaking up with one?

"Umm, looks like you need to cover that up because it's fucking transparent." He said. I didn't wanna take it; I would be giving him too much advantage. "I am seeing what you wore underneath, no offense." He added.

I collected the jacket not because I wanted to but because I needed it. I used it to cover my body. "Thank you."

A car came right after he had given me his jacket. Was that his ride? I assumed.

A bodyguard came down bringing an umbrella along with him. "sir." The bodyguard had called.

"Why are you late?" he asked.

"I'm so sorry sir; the car broke down so we had to get another one... I'm so sorry." The bodyguard bows his head.

He smiled. "It's okay."

"Let's go, sir." The bodyguard carried the umbrella above his head as he entered the car. He looked at me through the window and the car took off.

I didn't even get to ask for his name, how am I gonna return his jacket?"

I got home thirty minutes later, half-dried. Eva saw how pale I was and gave me a cup of hot cocoa which was my second favorite.

"Zoe, where did you get this leather jacket? This looks expensive and I'm not sure I've seen it in your closet."

"It is expensive... a stranger gave me," I said as I drank my hot cocoa.

"So, you are telling me that a stranger gave you his jacket," Eva said trying to confirm.


"A stranger?" Eva imitated.

"Yes, I just said that, and please let me drink my cocoa in peace."

"You know what that means?"

I frowned "Uh-huh, that he helped me?"

"No, that he is the one for you." Eva smiled. "Think about it, you met a stranger and he gave you his jacket."

"Eva, he was just being a gentleman." I smiled.

"What did you say his name was again?" Eva asked ignoring what I just said.

"I never mentioned his name."

"Okay, so what is his name?"

"I, I don't know... I didn't ask." I bit my lower lips.

"You've got to be kidding me. Even if you met a stranger- you should always ask for his name but come on, you didn't even ask."

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