17 | Salty Breeze

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I awoke to soft sheets and the morning sunbeams peeking through the curtains--cascading onto the bed, making me squirm and kick off my blanket because of the emitted heat. I could hear the faint chirping of birds in the distance as I groggily squinted at the circular clock on the wall. It was nearly seven in the morning.

Groaning and mentally cursing my early body clock, I turned onto my belly--hoping to doze off for a few more hours. I didn't want to be all sleepy and grumpy on the date. Don't want to scare him off now, do we?

After snoozing for another few hours, I jumped off the bed and trudged to the washroom. My hair looked as if a cat had eaten it and puked it back out. Grumbling in disappointment, I stepped into the shower. Once refreshed, I skipped down the stairs to find that Mom had already left for work.

Catching a glimpse of a new post-it note attached to the refrigerator, I plodded towards it curiously.

'Leaving for work early. Breakfast is going to be cereal for today!'

Hoping everything goes well for her, I texted Mom, 'Good luck with today!' and filled a bowl with some cheerios.

As I poured milk into the bowl, I glanced at my phone when it vibrated with a message.


So, you really going
on a date with him, eh?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Gosh, Ro, you HAD
to use the Lenny face?!





And, yes, I agreed to the date.
As you said, what's there to lose?


That's my girl!
Tell me everything that happens, okay?


Duh! You don't even need to ask 😏


Are you nervous?


TBH, yeah.


Aw, don't worry!

Just go with the flow
and it will all go swell.


Thank you.
Love you, Ro!


Anytime, boo.
Love you too, Ki!

My eyes darted around the silent house as I munched on the cheerios.

Irene was still sound asleep. I had confessed the truth to her; that I was going to meet up with Hayden--okay, that wasn't the exact truth, but she could instantly tell that it was a date, anyway. I swear you can hide nothing from that girl.

She kept winking and teasing me about 'finally dating' for what felt like forever until she ultimately agreed to keep it a secret. After all, I had kept all of her relationships a secret. She said she'd text me if Mom comes home early.

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