23 | Regrets

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I watched in horror as the car collided head-first into the lamppost, tyres screeching. The deafening sound of an explosion filled my ears. I saw the bonnet pop open at the sudden impact and cursed as I was flung forward.

My head hit the stiff airbag that had deployed prior to the collision, quite a lot of bitter dust surrounding me. It happened so quickly that before I could process; I was pulled back by the seat belt with a potent force and felt the crack of my clavicle—pain shot through my crushed legs and broken shoulders. Broken glass flew by, a few shards hitting my cheekbone, cutting my skin, and letting the blood flow down.

My head lay on the headrest of my seat, facing upwards. Shakily, I reached into my pant's pocket and pulled out my phone, dialling nine-one-one.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?" the female on the other end asked.

"I'm Hayden Donovan. My car collided with a lamppost, and my girlfriend is badly hurt. We're at twenty-sixth Beacon Avenue, a little near the intersection. Please send an ambulance, hurry!" All the words came out in a rush, and at the end of it, I was breathless.

"Alright, an ambulance is on the way, don't hang--" I cut the call before she could finish.

I stared out of the cracked windshield, my mind running in all directions. The open bonnet was belching steam as I tried to look at Kiara to check if she's alright, but I couldn't move my neck. A terrifying thought crossed my mind when I remembered that she removed her seat belt before taking the box from the back. I shut my eyes tight, trying to shake it off.

I heard her whimpering softly.

"Kiara." My voice was shaking. "Are you alright?" I knew it was a dumb question because clearly, she wasn't alright. But I wanted to hear her voice, a response that assured me she was holding up.

Nothing. Not even a whimper.

My heart was hammering in my chest, and I was having difficulty breathing. I kept gasping for air, but I couldn't seem to inhale any.

Eventually, everything blacked out.


The sound of sirens filled my ears, causing me to open my heavy eyelids to see the bright flashes of red and blue surrounding us, indicating that help was here.

"Kiara, the ambulance is here!"


"Kiara?" My voice was shaking in fear.

Still no reply.

I slowly turned my face to look at her, but pain shot through my neck, causing me to stop and curse under my breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of her slouching shoulders with her head--facing sideways in a painful angle--on the front panel.

Tears began welling up in my eyes as I mentally yelled at myself for causing this to happen.

Why did I have to get distracted? Why?

My thoughts were interrupted when the door was suddenly yanked open, and a paramedic popped her head in.

"What's your name?"

"Hayden." I took in a shaky breath.

"Do you feel any dizziness or sickness?"

"No, but please check on my girlfriend! She's badly hurt!" I pleaded.

She nodded in response. "We'll get to her once we get you out."

She cautiously positioned a neck brace around my neck, and two paramedics rushed to help me climb out of the car. They held me up by my arms as I stood up unsteadily.

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