Chapter 12 - Apologies and Forgiveness

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  A week had gone by with Ben and I texting almost everyday. Some days I didn't fall asleep until three in morning which was highly unusual. Cami and I had made up the same day as our small disagreement and she reassured me there was nothing that I couldn't come to her about. With that being said, I relayed all the wisdom that Jen had dropped on me. Surprisingly, Cami agreed that if I wanted to do this, do it with an open heart and not a spiteful mind. She made sure to add that playing the game wasn't going to end well. Imagine that it had only been a few days and she already saw it as pointless.

Ben didn't make any moves to invite me on a date in the last week which meant that he was taking a step back to see what I would do. He didn't want to make the first move every single time and that was fair. I needed to show my interest as well and I did just that. It was the first Monday in December and the Christmas excitement was bubbling up in the pit of my stomach.

Addi: Hey, do you want to go to Dan's tonight?

Ben: Is Addison finally asking me on a date?

I chuckled and shook my head at the phone. He couldn't see it but it felt right.

Addi: The offer only stands for the next five minutes, after that you have to ask me out and I'll tell you no just because I can ;)

Ben: Fine! I'll pick you up in 30 minutes. Tell Camila don't wait up.

While texting, I scrambled around my room trying to find something to wear. It wasn't difficult but I wanted to look cute and apparently, whenever I had somewhere to go, all of my good clothes seemed to disappear.

As always, Cami walked into my bedroom without knocking first. She had her makeup done, braids styled and edges laid. She wore a simple but fitted black dress that hugged her in the best way.

"How do I look?" She came over to my bed and did a spin. I had to admit that her butt looked great in the dress, as did the rest of her body.

"You look amazing. Hot date tonight?"

"Something like that." She then pointed at a dark blue dress that was the exact same style as the one she was wearing, "Wear that."

I picked it up and nodded. It might have been a bit much for Dan's but who cared? My curiosity was pulling me to ask who she was going out with but she'd tell me when she was ready and I had to respect that.

"I'm not sure if I'm coming home tonight but I'll call later and let you know," Cami said and came over, wrapping her arms around me, "Have fun tonight."

I gave her a light squeeze, "You too."

She walked out the room and I listened closely to hear the front door close. When I did, I almost sprinted to see if someone picked her up. Almost. She was a grown woman and I needed to mind my own business.

Addi: Cami might not even be home by the time I get back. She just left.

I went into the bathroom and freshened up quickly before returning to my room to do my eyebrows and add some powder to my face. There wasn't enough time to do anything else. I let the locs cascade down my back naturally since I had no idea how to even style them and couldn't be bothered to think too much into it.

Ben: Did something happen between you two?

Addi: No no. She has a date with some mystery guy.

Ben: That's great then. I'm leaving home now. Be there in 10 minutes.

My fingers raced across the screen to tell him to travel safely and I put on the dress shortly after, thankful that I was wearing the right underwear. I grabbed my phone and purse, checking to ensure that I had enough cash to cover our meal. I strolled into the living room to watch TV for the last few minutes until Ben showed up.

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