Chapter 3 - Hey... Again

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Cami's eyes met mine in the mirror while I clutched onto the fifth outfit option I had. She walked in and I hadn't heard her over my fussing but if she had knocked then maybe that would have been different. She smiled and tied her hair up into a ponytail, game face on and ready to go. This was her thing- her calling.

"I was going to ask you how things were going and, well... we can both see that you're a mess," She said with a laugh, her eyes scanning over me and the outfit in my hand. I turned to face her, desperation shaking me to my core. I needed help.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the first outfit I had picked out- a fitted floral mini dress, "I'm glad that my turmoil brings you this much joy," I snapped, wrapping the dress into a ball and throwing it at her. No choice was good enough.

Cami rummaged through my clothes, every once in a while she'd hold up something, shake her head and put it back. So it wasn't all in my head, I didn't have anything good enough to wear.

Why was I making such a big deal out of this? It's not like I had never met him before, we'd been together for almost two years, yet, something about this felt different; nerve-wracking.

"Yes, this is it." Cami grinned, walking over to me. She held the dress up to where she assumed it was going to fit on me. I looked down at it and nodded. The woman really had an eye for the perfect things to wear.

The dress was navy blue, fitted at the top and flared from the waist down. I wore it once before and loved it. Although it was the exact definition of mini, it was way too cute to get rid of. There was a large cut out in the back which meant a bra was out of the question but this was the one. This was the dress.

"Thank you so much. You're literally the best," There was no containing my excitement. I stripped and quickly changed before looking into the mirror again. It was the perfect fit.

Cami grabbed my makeup and sat me on the bed. I had planned on doing it myself but there was no way I'd pass up the opportunity of her doing it for me. She was faster and better than I was. She did my brows, primed my face and I zoned out immediately after. I loved this part, it was like being pampered.

All too soon, she was finished with a proud smile on her lips. I grabbed my phone and snapped a couple of pictures to post on my social media later. Cami sprayed me with perfume and styled my hair differently before walking out of the room.

"You're welcome." She winked as she stepped through the doorway, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my rapidly beating heart. My nerves were fine when Cami was there but as soon as she left, the heavy feeling returned. It was going to be okay.

"It's fine. You're fine. Just breathe and relax." I mumbled aloud as I gathered my purse, phone and lip gloss and headed out of my room.

With a small smile, I poked my head into Cami's room and caught her giggling at her phone.

"I'm leaving and whoever has you smiling like that must have a great sense of humour."

She got up and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as soon as she was close enough, "Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." She winked. There wasn't much that she wouldn't do and the idea of that alone brought my heartrate down and a carefree laugh bubbled up. She failed to mention who she was talking to on the phone but that was a conversation for another time.

I left the house and got into my car. With one last heavy sigh, I started the engine and drove off. The park was less than twenty minutes away, leaving me with very little time to gather myself and before I knew it, I was parking.

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