chapter 3

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As soon as I was alone in the elevator, I was filled over with desolation. Just when you thought you knew someone, they did something so out of character that you were left grasping at the threads of their identity. You start questioning everything they did. Was any of it true? Did he ever love me?

I was having a hard time believing Noah would do something like this. I couldn't get my head around it. It just wasn't him.

I wiped more tears that fell out as I walked down the block. As soon as I was going to turn the corner I collided with someone. I didn't even have time to see who it was when hands gripped my arms.

'Thank God!' Noah said. He sounded relieved and a little out of breath.

I tried to free myself of his grip.

'Where is your damn phone?' he demanded, ignoring my struggle.

I looked at him, horrified. I caught him cheating and that's what he had to say.

I glared at him. 'I left it at home,' I spat at him.

'That's why you didn't get my messages and ended up here,' he grumbled to himself looking away. But I heard him and it ignited another flare of anger in me.

'Oh, so it's all my fault now? I'm so sorry for trying to help you and then finding out you've been cheating on me,' I snapped. I was so riled up I continued on yelling at him. 'How long has this been going on huh? Here I am shit deep in planning our wedding and you're busy screwing some co-worker!' I was heaving by the time I finished.

I finally freed myself and sidestepped him. I was so done here.

He grabbed my wrist before I could leave.

'That's what you think you saw?' he asked, his voice pained. Either he was a really good actor or I was easily fooled.

'I know what I saw. I can't do this right now, Noah. Let me go,' I said, never turning back.

'I can't let you leave mad at me,' he said tugging me toward him.

Boy, was I mad. I was fucking pissed.

'Don't you have a meeting to attend?' I reminded him finally turning around, just so he would leave. I didn't have the energy to deal with him.

He grabbed both my hands in his and looked into my eyes. 'Nothing. No boring meeting is more important than you,' he said.

My heart stuttered at hearing that, despite what he had done to me. But I knew it how important this was for him. His career depended on it.

'I know what I saw,' I said, my voice coming out low. I was starting to choke up again.

His hands traveled from mine to my shoulders.

'No baby, I would never cheat on you. Why would you think that? I love so much,' he said, sincerity dripping from his voice. Doubt crept into my mind. I recalled the sordid scene which was etched into my brain. Did I see what I thought I did?

'But that woman... And you were helping her dress up. She looked...' Red tinged my cheeks. 'Freshly fucked,' I said, not looking at him.

He let out a laugh making me look at him again. His shoulders sagged in relief and until then I hadn't realized how wound up he was.

'Trust me, Bree always looks freshly fucked,' he said.

'Not helping the cause, Mister,' I narrowed my eyes at him.

He sobered up and took on a serious tone. 'She spilled coffee on her clothes and I was just helping her clear that up. You just showed up at the wrong time and saw what it looked like...' he shrugged, trailing off.

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