Chapter 28: The troublemaker

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"You know you are in the right track when you become uninterested in looking back."- unknown

Arabella POV

My relationship with Dominic was good for the past few weeks since we clear all the misunderstanding and mess that created by some stranger which we still don't know who. I asked Dominic to ignore it and not to waste time investigating it. It might be some childish paparazzi that digging into people's privacy out of boredom.

I wait for Dominic at the restaurant that he booked. We agreed to dine out together today since it was Friday night. We wanted to change the ambient and enjoy the night. Don't get it wrong, we are still husband and wife on the paper but with no feeling involved. There is no loving word between us but he loved to joke and sometimes make my heartbeat increased its normal pace which was crazy.

I was snapped to reality when I heard my phone rang. I saw Dominic's name appeared on the screen and I answered it without hesitation.


"Hello, sweetheart. I will be a bit late. There is some urgent thing that I need to settle. Can you wait for me for a while? Just give me 10 minutes then I will be there," he explained.

"Sure, just 10 minutes," I said with a threatening voice.

"Yes, sweetheart. Just 10 minutes and I'm all yours. Please don't run," he pleaded like a child who made me chuckled. We ended the call afterward. I check on the menu while waiting for him to arrive.

"Hi, Arabella," I heard someone called my name and I turned to look at that person. A woman with dark hair and fair skin wore a tortoise short skirt standing in front of me. She looks beautiful but there is something about her that makes me feel uneasy.

"Hi, do I know you?" I asked as I can't recall that I ever met her before. She smiled and took a place opposite of me. Woah, that's kinda rude which I didn't even invite her to sit.

"Nope but I do know you as Mrs. Duncan which was supposed to be me," she said arrogantly. I was shocked by her sudden confession. I just praised her beauty a moment ago and I take that back. Her personality wasn't beautiful.

"Oh, forget to introduce myself. I'm Grace. Used to be Dominic's lover and will be again in the future," she said smirked. Gosh, if only I have a gun with me now I will shoot her with my own hand. Such a shameless woman to claim my husband to be hers. Wait, did I mention husband just now? I can hear my inner voice giggled like a teenager that falls in love.

"Oh, Ms. Grace, it is not pleasant to meet you like this." I purposely played with my wedding ring that placed beautifully on my finger.

"I'm sorry to snatch the title of Mrs. Duncan from you but unfortunately it belongs to me now, officially." I showed her the ring. "If there is nothing important, please move away from the seat." An eye for an eye.

"Don't take it for granted. You never know how much Dominic loves me that he is willing to do anything for me and I believe that doesn't change." She stomped away from the table. I can sense the ridiculous confidence from her words which made me pissed but I don't want to show it to her. I won't let her had the satisfaction of spoiling my mood.

Hate to admit but she really had done some damage to my supposed-to-be happy dinner. My mind won't stop thinking about her words. Does Dominic still love her? Am I the third wheel in their relationship now? Will he divorce me and get back to her? This nonsense started to occupy my mind. Why do I care so much? Unexpectedly, my heart pinched and I hate this feeling.

Dominic snapped his fingers and brought me back to reality. He sat in front of me and stared at my face. I didn't realize his presence.

"Daydreaming, huh?" He asked jokingly to which I just smiled as a response, fake smile.

"To be exact 10 minutes," he said pointed at his watchband.

"Yeah, since I didn't run," I answered tried to act normal as nothing happened. I won't let him know about the incident earlier.

"Have you order the food?"

'Nope, some crazy women came and pissed me off just now,' I said in my heart which I wish I can say out loud.

"Nope, I was waiting for you. Let's order together." He smiled at my answer. That word 'together' seems to tie both of us closer day by day which made me worried. I can't imagine my days without him. It was a mistake, I shouldn't let him brought any effect on my life.

"Sweetheart," I heard his voice calling for me. The nickname that sounds like my middle name, I love it too.

"Are you okay? You zoned out again," he asked out of concern. I nodded without any words.

"What happens? Come, spill the beans. Work? Tired? Stress?" He holds my hand and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

'Please, don't treat me like this. I might fall in love with you.' I pleaded quietly in my heart. It makes me strange to stay in this condition.

"I'm okay, just hungry," I lied to avoid his question.

"Your stomach, okay? Do you have gastric now?" He looked nervously cute which make me want to laugh.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm fine, Dom. No worries." My body is doing great but my mind doesn't seem to be that way. I want to let it out but I couldn't.

"Hmm, I feel like you are hiding something," he said staring at my eyes. I felt like a trapped rat now, with a cheese maybe to make it worthy.

"Dom," I called his attention and tried to gather my courage to continue my sentence.

"Yeah? Tell me, I won't bite," he said with a burst of light laughter.

"Why don't you tell me about your past?"

"My past as in?"

"Everything, your childhood, schools, friends, family and-" I paused wondering if I should continue.


"Hmm, ex-girlfriend," I finally said the word. I avoided his eyes, scared to look at his reaction.

"I can sense something fishy here," he whispered near my earlobe which makes me shiver. I bit my lips as his action suddenly made me nervous.

"Look at me," he cupped my chin and made me turned my eyes on him. He looks at me with a raised eyebrows and a smile at the edge of his lips.

"What is in your mind? The last part, that's your concern, right?" I shook my head, embarrassed to admit.

"No, I concern about everything."

"You concern about me?"

"Yeah, I concern about you," I said without me realizing it. I wanted to facepalm myself.

"No..wait, no. What did I say just now," my voice stuttered and all I heard was his laughter filled my ears. I can feel the heat on my face. I guess my face now looked like a rotten potato. This wasn't what I plan and now I regretted it.

"Stop laughing," I tried to cover his mouth to stop him but he caught my hand still laughing hysterically. Oh, what a happy Dominic!

"You are so cute when you are jealous."

"Dominic, I'm not jealous." I pouted dislike that he laughed at me while that woman keeps disturbing my mind.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to know anymore." At that time, the food arrived and the waitress placed the food in front of us. Dominic tried to talk to me but I ignored him. We went back home after dinner and he caught my wrist before I entering my room.

"Sweetheart," he called and made me turn to face him. I looked at him emotionless.

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay?" He sighed when I didn't show any response.

"My ex, I don't want to talk about her. She wasn't worth our time."

What should I suppose to feel now? Happy? Satisfied? Or relieved? It doesn't make me feel better anyway. I nodded my head and walked to my bedroom. I ignored him when he called my name several times, my middle name that he created, sweetheart. Not tonight, Dominic.


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