Chapter 11: The declaration

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"If you can't get somebody out of your mind, they are probably supposed to be there."- unknown

Dominic POV

Today is the day. I'm going to meet her to discuss our agreement or better to say to decide our future. It had been two days since I left her in shock with my sudden proposal. The smile kept pestered me every time the memory flashed back. I can recall her expression and the shocking face that I added to my favorite list about her. If I didn't hold back I could have attacked her with my lips. Ew, pervert! My inner voice mocked.

"You never stop smiling don't you?" The voice snapped me from the memory. I chuckled when I saw the face in front of me. She took a place across me and stared at me with annoying eyes.

"Because you keep pestering me in my head," I said playfully, and there she goes, rolling her eyes with my words. This girl always makes me happy, effortless. I just love the way she is.


"Hot choc, please," she answered immediately. I called the waiter and ordered hot chocolate and toast for two.

"So, the final decision?" I started the conversation with the most important question. I have been waiting restlessly for the past two days. I'm not going to wait any longer.

"Can't wait don't you?" She folded her hand on her chest.

"Yes, can't wait. Quick, tell me," I pursued her.

"What if I say no?" I sighed at her words that sound like a statement rather than a question.

"Whatever it is, I will take that as a yes," I winked at her, causing her to groan.

"So cute," I smiled and moved my hand to pinch her pinky cheeks, but she slapped my hand before I have the chance to do so. Oh, what a waste!

The waiter came at the same time with the food on the tray. He placed our order on the table. I saw a smile arched on Ara's face and I followed her gaze tried to figure out what caused her to smile so sweetly. Hot chocolate? Really? I just can't believe that small things can make her smile like that.

"Love this that much?" I asked pointed at the drink once the waiter left us.

"Hmm," she moaned once she sips on that hot chocolate that got her full attention. I just can't believe I lost to a drink, to a hot chocolate. What a loser! Now I'm jealous of a freaking drink!

"If only you could love me a little," I muttered in a low tone which I'm sure she can't hear it.

"What?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing," I said weakly, and she shrugged her shoulder with my reply. We silently eat our breakfast without any words. I put the plate aside after finished the food and wait for her anxiously. My mind just can't stay in peace until I get her answer.

"Can we leave now?" She inquired, done with her breakfast.

"No, we are not done yet. You are not leaving until you give me the answer." It's impossible that I'm going to let her escape easily. Her eyes gazed at me lazily. I could sense that she purposely made me wait for her. She just knew her effect on me. Doesn't she? This girl is really something. Play hard to get. Nice move, sweetheart!

She ignored me and grabbed her purse, in an attempt to walk out of the cafe. Without giving her any chance, I pulled her hand which almost makes her stumble. My other hand caught her waist to stable her and instantly spun her around to face me. She gasped, her hands landed on my chest perfectly.

"Nice hold," I whispered closely to her which made her bit her lips. I'm doomed. I closed my eyes tried to calm my beating heart. Back to normal please, heart. Just pump your blood!

"Don't bite your lips," she released her lower lips and slapped me hard on my chest. I stay still in the same position. At this moment, a few camera flashes caught our attention, and we turned our eyes in the direction.

There were few paparazzi who came close and snapped our photo. I saw Ara walked immediately to my back and hid her figure behind me. Her small figure can be easily covered with my masculine body. I knew she doesn't like her life to get involved with the media. That was why she never appeared in any news even though her family is well known in the business.

"Please, don't take any picture of us," I warned them hoping that they will cooperate and respect our privacy.

"Who is she? Is she someone special to you?" One of the paparazzi asked.

"Yeah, we never saw you with any girl before. Can you tell us more about her?" Added by the other one.

I slightly looked at Ara that shielded behind me. She leaned her forehead on my back. Her body gave me some sort of warmth, a comfort warm. Her hand held the back of my arm tightly. The paparazzi kept making noise and throw tons of questions at me.

"She is my future wife," I said firmly and this time I could feel her hand tightened on my arm, as a sign of warning. I turned my body to her, and she buried her face on my chest. I ignored all the paparazzi and held her tightly in my embrace, guiding her to the parking lot.

"Feeling comfortable?" She slightly distanced her face from my chest and peeked around the surrounding. Once she realized we were safe at the parking lot, she hit my chest again while trying to push me but I caged her body tightly, removed the space between us. She wriggled, wanted to distance herself from me, but I was too stubborn for that.

"No, just stay like this. For a moment, please," I hold her tight make her face laid completely to my chest. She stopped, stayed in my embrace for a moment. She knew she can't do anything.

"What have you done to me," I uttered slowly.


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