34. Swanhild's Valley

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Over the next week, the days blend into a blur of riding and sleeping. Thankfully no new snow falls so the horses didn't struggle too much, plodding ever onwards, steady and sure footed. Killian leads the way most days, his strong figure, tense and determined, calm but always on the lookout. He seems to have a built in compass on where to go, maybe there is landmarks he knows on route for all the times he's been here previously, or maybe he is just making it up all along and we are being led into the unknown.

My trust in Killian has grown though and although he doesn't join in much when Sage and I are chattering during the longs days, killing time, he feels like he fits in. He is no longer a total stranger but rather a growing friend.

Journeying through the mountains has allowed me to time to pause and think. I am no longer constantly looking behind me in fear, and my thoughts can be mulled over in my head. Looking back I laugh at the many rash decisions that I had made over the last weeks. I had actually run away, picked up my things and left.

I had stuck my foot out and not accepted my fate of becoming a sad wife.

It was on the third day of travel when I saw an early flying high above, majestic wings extended fully, soaring up with the wind and air; free. It made me realise, that wherever this journey takes me, and no matter what struggles I get hit with, I know in my heart that I made the best decision leaving because I am not a creature to be caged.

I need to stretch my wings just like the eagle.


"We have reached Swanhild's Valley." Killian announces from up front.

Sage lets out an excited whoop and I grin, this means we are close to Kirkwall village. I click my tongue and Griffin trots up to where Killian is with Sunshine looking out over the valley. We had been travelling steadily up for the last few hours since we left our lunch spot.

I let out a gasp as I take in the landscape beneath us. It's as though someone has taken a paintbrush to the barren landscape tucked in between the mountains and added life. A green grassy plain stretches out in front of us, containing trees dotted here and there and animals grazing. Beyond the that is the largest lake that I have ever seen, expanding outwards, with water sparkling and white dots of birds floating on the surface. In the far distance, across the lake, I see the small outlines of houses, the village of Kirkwall I realise, we are nearly in human civilisation once more.

The view is breath taking, never in my life have I seen such beauty.

As I turn back around, I realise I have tears in my eyes, the wonder and awe of the sight in front of me is overwhelming.

"The view never gets old," Killian says, looking at me with a knowing glint in his eye.

I nod and turn Griffin back around and begin following Sage down the mountainside, Killian following closely behind. It is one of the steepest descents that we have taken on so far but the tense downhill is worth it. Everybody's aches and tiredness seems to be overcome by the excitement, including the horses. Without much encouragement needed for once, Sunshine breaks out into a canter, followed by Griffin and Winnie.

We fly across the plain, the horses cantering with joy at the non-rocky ground, a herd of deer raise their heads up startled as we race by and I can't help but laugh out loud with exhilaration. Eventually Killian brings Sunshine down to a trot and finally into a walk when we reach the edge of the lake where a wooden dock lies along with a tall flag pole and small hut.

"Now that, was fun." Sage grins, cheeks flushed with excitement.

"I agree." I can't believe I've gone from not knowing how to ride at all, to leading my own horse at a canter across the most beautiful plain that I have ever seen.

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