14. Royally screwed

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I wake to the sound of clanking and the steady rumble of voices in the back ground. Groggily I stretch and lift my upper body out of the blankets that are suffocating me with heat. Sunlight streams through the open flap in the tent and I look beside me to find I have the tent all to myself.

How long did I sleep in? I mean we all need a beauty sleep but beauty is not a priority when you're on the run.

I leap up, throwing the remainder of the blanket off me and onto the ground. I quickly unpin and un-plait my hair, which has been thoroughly messed up throughout the night, then run my fingers through the tangles and finally twist it back up in a new plait onto my head.

My hat lies on the ground beside me, exactly where I left it. Thankfully I slept last night with the blankets almost covering my head so hopefully Leo didn't notice my hair, and how not boyish my hair style is. I grab my cap and pull it over my hair, finishing the male look.

Now looking as put together as I can, I make my way out of the tent. I'm greeted by white light and it takes my eyes a few moments to adjust to the bright light. The camp site has been changed over night, or rather probably just this morning. Where before there used to be tents everywhere, there are now only a couple dotted here and there, and people are bustling around, mainly alert although a few, I notice, are stumbling a bit and rubbing their heads, definitely supporting killer hangovers.

I scan my eyes over the scene before me, narrowing in like a hunting hawk on Luther, Killian and Sage standing around a table, standing over parchment.

I start walking over towards them but get intercepted by Leo. "Good morning Leon!" His perky voice greets me and I can't help but smile and mutter morning back.

"Look, I have you some breakfast," I look down at his hands that are carrying partially blackened bread with something on it, "it should be still warm, but I never know with cheese, it can cool down really quickly sometimes."

Cheese? That doesn't look like cheese, it looks like hardened liquid, not chunky cheese. He hands it over and looks at me expectantly. Gingerly I lift it to my mouth and take a bite and wow.

"Mmm this tastes amazing, how did you make this?" I'm in awe at the heavenly tasting food. It is like cheese, but warm and stringy.

"I melted it in the fire place!" He chirps, "I discovered it a few weeks ago by accident when I left my bread and cheese on a rock by the fire."

"Wow, I will definitely be doing this in the future,"

Leo grins.

"Ah, Leon, you're awake at last!" I look up see Sage beckoning me over.

I turn and smile Leo, "Thanks for breakfast!" then walk over to the table, Leo heading in a different direction.

"My good lad, you successfully missed all the boring talk of news, hopefully you're feeling better now that you're well rested"

I flash a grateful smile at Sage who subtly winks back, he managed yet again to get me out of talking.

I nod and smile at Luther, keeping my head more lowered then usual.

"I must leave you travellers now and tend to the problems of packing up and campsite, good luck with your journey,"

Both Sage and I bow and he strides away leaving us with Killian.

"Where are you men travelling?" He asks.

"We are on our way to Sanlowe Manor where I work as a stable hand, Leon here is a city lad who is under my training."

My heart is thudding in my ears, please say he believes our story.

He does a full look over of us both then nods.

"Sanlowe Manor is a long way away," He says at last.

Sage's eyes widen slightly, "You've been there before?"

"Once, a long time ago now."

I inwardly sigh in relief, thanks to the plague, people working in places is constantly changing unlike before where people would stay somewhere for often their entire lives.

"Where are you knights travelling to?"

"We are on our way back to Kahlo, returning in our small victory, after fighting in many battles against the French."

"So the English have won?" Sage asks, hope filling his voice.

"No," Killian's eyes darken, "we won some small battles, but not the final war. There is going to be a lot more bloodshed before it is over."

I shudder. Not only is the plague causing havoc but the ongoing war against France is oozing death left right and centre.

"Well, we are very glad we could have been at your service by helping with Zuri, it was our pleasure."

I nod, agreeing.

A thoughtful look crosses Killian's face.

"You know," He pauses, "it would be my greatest pleasure to thank you by assisting you fellows on your journey,"

I freeze, looking at him. Sage too is in momentary shock and has no words. My eyes are flitting rapidly around and my palms start sweating.

"You know, as honoured as we are for your offer," Sage clasps his hands together, "we will decline, we don't want to trouble you for our insignificant journey when you have much more important matters to attend to."

"Thats where you're wrong," Killian smiles, a smile that holds a hidden meaning. "I am in no rush to return, and I know the countryside is full of bandits and ransackers at the moment, it's dangerous times."

"It's honestly fine, we should be fine." Sage says.

"As a knight it is my duty to help those who are in need."

"No really, we will be all goo—"

"I insist." There is a steel look in his eyes.

"My good knight, are you really, really sure, the journey is long and we do not want to trouble you, though we do appreciate your offer."

He curls his lips up into grin.

"Oh, I am definitely sure." And just like with Luther, we cannot argue with him.

I lift my lips into a smile, one that does not reach my eyes.

We are royally screwed.


Happy 2020 everyone, hope everyone had a good time celebrating! Here is an early update to celebrate the new decade, and now we also have a knight joining the travelling duo;)

SouthernAlps over and out...

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