Chapter 15: May The Best Creature Win.

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Everyone was still laying on the ground as they stared in horror at the creature in front of them. Kallie slowly rose to her feet without looking away from what once was her little sunshine. Fear was clear in her eyes but it wasn't for her, it was for his. She tried desperately to look for any sign of her little brother in the eyes of the monster standing only a few feet away. It only stared back at her with sadistic intent.

Kallie: J-...J-Josh?

???: Not anymore, you pest.

Kallie refused to believe it. Josh was in there and she knew it. What this thing was controlling him, it wasn't stealing her little sunshine if she had anything to say about it. She narrowed her eyes at the monster and clenched her hands into fists.

Kallie: You ARE Josh! I KNOW you are! You are MY little sunshine!

The monster raised its finger to its mouth with its sadistic smile bright as ever.

???: Shhhh...

It then aimed its palm at her. Kallie, knowing exactly what was about to happen, prepared herself to dodge his attack.

???: Be quiet, you little nuisance.

(A/N: Pretend he stays on the ground

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(A/N: Pretend he stays on the ground.)

Just as Kallie was about to jump out of the way, Jackson suddenly appeared beside her and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

Kallie: What are you—?!

The ray of energy hit directly where Kallie would have landed had she jumped. Before, there was just dirt due to the monster creating the massive explosion. Now, there was another massive crater covered in singe marks. The blast radius of the monster's attack stretched a mile long in a straight line. She looked at Jackson with shock as he simply gave her a quick smirk before returning to his usual serious glare.

Jackson: I used the super speed you have to slow everyone down a little so that I could predict where the attack would hit. Look, that isn't Josh anymore.

Kallie yanked her arm from his grip before giving him a death glare.

Kallie: NO!!!!! He IS in there still! He HAS to be!

Jackson: Kallie! Look at that thing!

He pointed to the monster standing a few feet away. It simply waved at them, sending a mist of red energy floating into the air. The energy disappeared as fast as it had appeared. Next thing they knew, the sky turned dark red and the clouds turned black. The ground beneath them started to grow purple cracks and any living plants, animals, or trees somehow unharmed by the explosion suddenly died.

???: Hi there, care to kill yourself so that I don't have to rip your intestines from your body and strangle your heart with it?

Jackson: That THING isn't your brother anymore!

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