Chapter 8: The First State to Fall.

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~One Week Later~

Right now, Josh was sitting in his throne and so was Diana to his left. He had given some construction workers to move his throne to the right a bit and build Diana one. Hers looked just as good as his and they were close enough to hold hands. Ever since Diana broke through Josh's protective barrier he had built around himself, he had been more...well, the opposite of himself. However, he was only like that to Diana but she was helping him be like that to everybody.

She would be lying if she claimed it was easy. He was as stubborn as a guy after all. The king and queen were holding court with the citizens of Adar.

(A/N: A quick little informal message. "Holding court" means the citizens of the province/territory/state is having an audience with the current leader to discuss something that could either be important or trivial and the leader will give their judgement on said discussion. Every great leader does this.)

Human: My demon king, I-

Josh: Don't forget your queen too, human.

Human: Yes sir, my apologies.

Diana: It's fine, continue.

Human: Well, the thing is...our homes were attacked.

Josh: By whom?

Human: By another group that opposes your kingdom, sir. They go by the name of "Wolf Pack". If my people saw correctly, they are powerful humans. One in particular seems to have...

Josh: Seems to have what?

Diana: Answer him, human.

Human:...Multiple powers.

Josh scoffed at his claim but Diana was not phased.

Josh: Is that all? One human with multiple powers is of no threat to us. What's the damage to the village?

Human: There is hardly any damage, my demon king. They merely took supplies and asked us to join them. When we refused though, they damaged some of our carts and killed a few cattle saying it was a "warning" to not side with you. Of course, we still refused to join them and they left saying they would return.

Josh: Thank you for informing me, human. I will send ten fallen angels to guard your settlement. As a reward for remaining loyal to my kingdom, I will make the settlement you came from an official mark on the map and make it known that people may join the settlement. After a while, it will grow and it will be stronger.

Human: Thank you, my demon king. You grace us with your kindness.

Josh: I will send a guard to alert the generals of this "rebellion" issue and to send those fallen angel soldiers to the settlement. You lead them to the settlement and they will protect.

Human: Yes, my demon king.

With that, Josh waved his free hand both at the human and one of his demon guards.

Josh: Next!

The human and demon left the room. Striker entered the throne room and kneeled in front of them.

Josh: What seems to be the problem, Striker?

Striker: Well alpha, a group of rebels attacked one of our territories in the forest and managed to defeat our monsters there. The monsters were slaughtered and the area is now occupied by the rebels. They are known as the-

Josh: "Wolf Pack", I assume?

Striker: Yes, alpha.

Josh: Hmmm...

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