Gender swap

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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"Abracadabra your genders are Switched by a day."

Leyla: What the heck?!

Dak: Well I'm fine as long as I still get to turn into a DRAGON!! *turns back into a night fury and flys off*

Winger: Uhhh....

Summer: This is... new.

Cutter: ?!

Aggro: Ok then..

Burple: Hmm...

Aggro: Honestly this is sort of cool...

Cutter: No it is not.

Dak: *still flying around* I will survive!

Leyla: This is so weird.

Winger: Agreed.

Summer: I have to pass a day like this?

Burple: I can't really say I hate this. It's weird but I can cope.

*at Magnus's house*
(Just So Axel has a chance to use his dragon powers)

Axel: Uh HELP?!

Me: pfft.

Axel: It's not funny!

Me: It's only for a day! You'll live!

Axel: No I will not. *turns into a Roaming Ramblefang* that's a bit better.

*a day passes*

Dak: Well this is the last time I get to be a dragon so... *flys around as a night fury again*

Leyla: Wow he doesn't even care about the gender swap.

Cutter: Well I care. I love my normal self!

Aggro: Honestly It wasn't so bad!

Burple: Yeah. It was weird but I lived.

Winger: Thank thor!

Summer: Agreed!

*at Magnus's house*

Me: Um... you ok?

Axel: No I am not.

Me: It's all over now.

Axel: Thank ODIN!

Me: Well thanks for the dare.

Axel: Not thanks.

Me: Until next time!

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