The fear sphere

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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"I modified the sphere so that it plays your biggest fear in the form of music, for example: plays 'Death parade' when I touch it."

Dak: Well ok we can do this! *touches sphere* (cotton eyed joe plays) JACKIE!!!!

Me: *dying of laughter*

Dak: *touches the sphere again* (Black Impact, by Zhenlan Kang plays) I'm scared that when the apocalypse comes... I'll be the first one to go.

Winger: That's pretty reasonable. Let me try. *touches the sphere* (Graveyard Kitten, by SharaX plays)

Summer: Uh Winger? You called me kitten once.

Winger: nO I DiDnt..

Summer: Are you scared of me dying?

Winger:...... yes.

Summer: Winger... *tail touches the sphere by accident* (probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere, by Nero's Day At Disneyland plays)

Winger: Huh?

Summer: I'm scared that I'll die without you knowing... leaving you alone for the rest of your life.

Winger: *blushes*

Burple: *touches the sphere* (Here We Are, by Toby Fox plays)

Dak: Woah Burps, that's some creepy music.

Burple: Let's just say that Hoogenboo did not do me well...

Cutter: Hmm... *touches sphere* (Cracked, by Pentatonix plays)

Aggro: um... that's a pretty upbeat song, what exactly are you afraid of?

Cutter: Well... just listen to the words. I'm afraid that you'll stop loving me...

Aggro: R-really?!

Cutter: Wait DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!?!

Aggro: *nuzzles Cutter* it's ok, I wanted to know. And just so you know, I'll never leave you. *touches sphere* (cotton eyed joe plays) JACKIE!!!!

Me: *laughing my tail off* hahaha sorry!

Aggro: *touches sphere again* (Entry Number Seventeen, by SharaX plays)

Cutter: Huh?

Aggro: I'm afraid that someone, most likely dragon hunters, are watching me. Watching my every move, waiting for the chance to strike.

Cutter: That's pretty deep...

Leyla: *touches sphere* (cotton eyed joe plays) JJAAAAAAACCCKKIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!

Me: *howling with laughter*

Leyla: No more of that! *touches sphere again* (Fighting Back, by Black Gryph0n plays)

Dak: War?

Leyla: Yeah. I'm scared of war.

Me: *grins evilly*

Winger: Jackie no.

Aggro: Jackie no.

Dak: Jackie no.

Me: Jackie yes. *plays cotton eyed joe at full volume*


Me: Thank for the dare XD. Until next time!

*everyone leaves*

*i touch sphere lightly*

(Undertale AU, by Frostfm plays)

Me: *rolls around on the floor screeching* SONIC EXE GONNA GET US!!!

(A quick shoutout to @migulehov
I've been listening to Child Protective Services Theme Song on repeat. Thank you for recommending it!)

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