Afterlife Chapter 2

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Lio was still getting used to the whole being dead thing, which was understandable since he'd only been in the afterlife for a few minutes, but also odd considering he couldn't remember anything about his actual life prior. He was nostalgic and yearning for a time that he couldn't even remember. Perhaps what Lio was actually yearning for was to be with his family again. Here in the afterlife, he didn't know anyone, he was completely on his own. For some reason, this particular scenario he was living out seemed familiar to him. A young man waking up on a beach with no memories as to who he was or what his name even was, only to be assisted by a beautiful pink haired teenage girl. It was as if he'd seen this play out before in some way or another. All of this weighed heavily on Lio's mind as Kori brought him to the cafe. The place looked very nice and featured an outdoor dining area. As the two of them walked through the door, Lio instinctively reached into his pocket for money, only for Kori to stop him.

"There's no need for that," She told him with a smile.

"Huh?" Lio asked.

"You're in the afterlife, silly," Kori reminded him, "money has no meaning here since everything is eternal and unlimited," she giggled and said "not that you'd have any money on you anyway since money doesn't carry over into the afterlife."

"Oh yeah, right right," Lio nodded, pulling his hand out of his pocket, "so how long have you been here? Are you an angel that's always been here?"

"Not exactly," Kori said, "the thing is that angels don't actually exist, there are only employees or representatives of the afterlife. Think of it like a business. As for me, I've been here for over 10,000 years since the days when humans were just starting to form civilizations."

"You look like you're 16," Lio pointed out.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Kori said as the two stepped up to counter.

"Hey Kori," the barista, a young looking guy with glistening green eyes and straight brown hair that parted at the top of his head to frame both sides of his face, greeted Kori. To Lio, this young man seemed similar in appearance to someone he knew. Who that person was, Lio didn't know. The barista caught Lio looking at him and asked Kori "New client, I see?"

"Hey Lance" Kori waves at him, explaining, "and yeah, I found him washed up on the beach and have been trying to help him come to."

"Washed up on the beach?" Lance questioned, "Don't newly deceased usually arrive at the ports rather than on the beach? Especially a young kid like him?"

"Yeah, they do," Kori said, "but that's not even the strangest thing about him."

"Oh, do tell," Lance said before noticing that Lio was staring intensely at him. "Are you okay, little dude?"

"You remind me of someone I think I used to know," Lio said, "only older."

"And who would that be?" Lance asked.

"I have no clue," Lio said with a shrug, "to be honest, I have a hard time remembering my own name."

"That's the strange thing I was talking about," Kori informed Lance, "I found this kid on the beach with absolutely none of his memories. He didn't even know what his name was until I told him."

"Well maybe a quick drink can help jog his memory," Lance suggested with a laugh, asking Lio "What can I get you?"

"Do you have any tea?" Lio asked.

"Sure do," Lance said, proudly mentioning "in fact, we have every type of drink that you could imagine here. You're never devoid of choices here."

"I'll take a simple black tea," Lio informed him.

The Loud House: Afterlifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें