Afterlife Chapter 1

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From the moment his eyes sprang open, he was confused as to what was going on. The setting around him was completely unfamiliar to him. White sandy beaches weren't exactly places he tended to frequent, although then again at the moment, he wasn't sure what places he frequented. The sand beneath him with water washing over him was the first thing that he noticed with the second thing being the fact that he was clothed in a fancy pink suit. For some reason, this style of attire seemed foreign to him, as if it weren't something he'd wear on a regular basis. Once again, the boy had to stop and consider the fact that he didn't even know what his normal style of dress was. Heck, the Boy didn't even know what his name was right now. Every moment prior to him waking up was a complete blur. He could remember small bits and pieces of a life past, certain names and places, but for the life of him, his own name escaped him.

After shaking his head clear, the boy looked down into the foamy water of the ocean and stared at the reflection looking back at him. Bright white hair with black streaks, blue eyes, fair skin, and a freckled face stared back at him. The boy didn't know why, but something compelled him to open his suit jacket and shirt. When he did, what he saw caused his eyes to widen in horror. There was a gaping bloody hole in his torso, giving a clear view straight through him, with a few of his internal organs and rib cage visible. The boy felt the urge to throw up and dropped to his knees, staring off into the water. Who was he?! Where was he?! What the hell was going on?! Just as the Boy felt himself on the urge of screaming, he heard a gentle feminine voice speak behind him.

"Oh dear, it would seem that you've met a terrible fate,"

The boy turned around and saw an angelic figure with pink hair and golden eyes standing a few meters away. The girl looked like she was no older than 15 or 16 and wore a white top with a light pink skirt, and a pair of gold sandals. Naturally, he was startled by her sudden appearance and jumped in fright.

"Who are you?" The boy stammered as he frantically looked around, "Who am I?"

The girl frowned and asked "Do you truly not remember your identity?"

"No," the boy said, shaking his head, "I just woke up here with no memory of who I am or how I even got here in the first place. Can you tell me where I am?"

"I don't know why you lost your memories when you arrived here," the girl said, "but as I said, a great misfortune befell you... one that you tragically did not survive."

"Are you saying that I'm... dead?" The boy asked after much hesitation.

The girl sadly nodded her head and explained "Sadly, yes, for you see, this is the afterlife."

"The afterlife?" The boy questioned, "You mean like Heaven... or Hell... or even purgatory?"

"Not quite," the girl said, "souls that have lived fulfilling lives without causing harm to their fellow souls reside here, in an almost paradise. Souls who are deemed evil are given a new life in order to be rehabilitated and reform for their misdeeds. There is no purgatory so to speak. For you to end up here means that you were deemed to be worthy of paradise."

The boy didn't seem too taken aback by this and simply nodded his head, which caught the girl by surprise. Truthfully, he was more concerned with the details of how he got here rather than why he was here. Perhaps if he could remember who he was, he'd be a bit more upset or saddened by his demise, but right now there were still so many questions that needed to be answered. Such as the identity of this girl standing in front of him.

"I don't mean to be rude," the boy said, "but just who are you?"

"My name is Koriand'r, or Kori for short," the girl said with a smile, "and I was assigned to assist you in your transition from life to unlife."

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