forty one | good

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December 2


When we meet up on Monday, I wind my left arm through Riley's while Marla hooks hers through my right one. With Racheal on Riley's other side, we make a chain of supportive badass girlfriends, wanting to wow the entire school with our support crew or whatever.

Too bad it totally fails because the school's entrance is entirely clogged by students and we eventually have to break up to get to class. We make it at last, laughing and complaining about all the movies and TV shows that wrongly exhibit how all the other students make way for you when you try to walk in slow motion.

If only real life was a teen romance novel slash movie.

"I wish I owned my own school," Marla says, looking around the crowd with feigned sadness.

"I'd set it on fire," I say. "I hate schools."

"I hate life," Riley adds.

"I hate people," Racheal says.

"We're people," I point out to Racheal.

She blushes. "You're good people. I like good people."

"Why are you four always flirting with each other?" a masculine voice teases us and I feel big hands tickling my sides.

I jump defensively, spinning around to scowl at a brightly-smiling Carlos. He flashes his pearly whites at me and I fold my arms across my chest and give him a challenging glare.

"You know I can sue you for sexual harassment," I tell him, my eyes narrowed.

He snorts. "I tickled you, Tay," he points out, clearly amused by my seriousness.

"You touched me inappropriately without my consent," I say, joking with him as Racheal and Riley walk away and leave me alone with Carlos and Marla who is typing away on her phone already. "Do that again and I slice your fingers off."

Carlos throws his head back and laughs, his broad frame towering over mine because he clearly doesn't know the meaning of personal space.

"But I want to pull your cheeks now, I can't help it," he says, his eyes shining mischievously as he lifts both hands and reaches out with his forefingers and thumbs approaching my cheeks.

Horrified, I slap his hand away and jump back into some student who tells me to be careful. I don't look back to see the guy who enters the class, staring at Carlos.

"I'm reporting you," I threaten Carlos.

"To Shane? Yeah, he'll decapitate me for bugging you." Carlos smirks. "What's up with that, anyway? Are you two actually dating now or what?"

I shrug, puckering up my lips and frowning at Carlos.

"He's hot then he's cold," I sing, waving my head this way and that. "He's yes then he's no, he's in then he's out --"

"Whoa, okay, I didn't ask for the details of your sex life, Taylor," Carlos jokes, clearly enjoying teasing me.

"Ew!" I smack his arm as soon as I understand what he's saying. "It's a song, you moron. Is sex the only thing on your mind twenty-four-seven? Gross!"

Ignoring what he says in response, I turn around and grab Marla's arm to steer her into class. Carlos breaks down in a fit of laughter and I tune him out, searching for Riley and Racheal before realizing they're not even in this class with Marla and I. The two of us settle into our seats and I spend the next few hours drifting between sleep and wakefulness, texting under the desk, and doodling my personal versions of Trump's face on my notebook. By the time I leave my last class, I'm ready to drop dead.

Seeing Shane Gray ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ