Chapter 26

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Adam and Assad were playing an online game with Assad's friends when Adam's phone rang, and he had to apologize and exit the game when he saw that it was a call from work. Assad and his friends had been nice about it and told him that he could hop into whatever match was ongoing when he was done talking to whoever it was on the line.

"Hello," the man muttered into the phone after answering it and getting up from his chair. He wandered to his bedroom, taking a seat on the edge of his bed as he waited for a response for the other end.

"Oh, hey, Adam! I was just calling to update you on the case," a warm feminine voice said from the other end.

Adam hummed, nodding his head as he toyed with the bedsheet on the bed. "Sure, what do I need to know."

"They're dropping Archie Carter," she said.

Adam's eyes went wide as he sat up straight on his bed. "They are?" No matter how much Assad had assured him that Archie getting fired was inevitable, he hadn't quite believed it because of how many ongoing projects the man had on screen. "Really?"

"Yes, that's why I had to call you," the woman said. Adam heard a paper being flipped in the background. "They're planning to do a public apology, as well as pay you some compensation, but they also want you to take on Archie's projects since the space is open now, and you're the actual artist."

"Oh." That was the only word Adam could get past his lips. "But I'm working at your studio," Adam said, reminding the woman that he was on contract with Donga Studios.

"I know, we had a discussion about that on the board, and we suggested that maybe the two studios could collaborate so that you could also finish up what Archie has ongoing while you worked on your other project with us," the woman said, pausing. "Are you listening?" she asked when Adam didn't say anything for a while.

"I am," he said, licking his lips. "That's a great offer, but—" he paused.

"But?" the woman said, urging him to continue.

Adam sighed. "But that sounds like a lot of work," Adam admitted.

"Both companies are open to hiring extra staff that you'll screen before they're allowed to take part," the woman explained.

Adam's grip on his phone tightened as he nibbled on his bottom lip. He immediately thought of Assad. The younger man was getting better at character design, and most of his prints were still life design concepts that would work well as background settings in an animation. Assad would be a wonderful addition to a team. Sure, he was far from graduating but he could intern at the studio. He knew his boyfriend would be all out for the idea.

"Is it possible that I could recommend someone I know?" Adam asked, and the woman stayed quiet for a bit. "To intern, not get a permanent position or anything."

"Give me a minute. Let me check in with a superior," the woman said.

"Okay." Adam waited on the line, staring down at his carpet as he hummed to himself.

The wind crackled like the phone was being dragged about on the other end of the line. "I'm back!"

Adam raised his head at the sound of the woman's voice. "Great."

"So, I asked about that and I got an okay on it. You'll have to send in their portfolio though. There's no promise that they'll get an internship spot, but we'll put whoever it is as a top priority when making a decision for summer intakes," the woman said, and Adam nodded.

"Great," he said, smiling to himself.

"Also," the lady said. "I was asked if you wanted to take any legal action against Archie Carter. The company is willing to help you find a lawyer."

Adam held his breath, remembering that Assad told him that trying to get Archie charged for harassment and threats was a viable option.

"I'm still thinking about that," Adam said. "I'm not sure at the moment."

There was a clicking sound from the other end. Adam guessed that the woman was typing into a laptop or a desktop computer. "Okay then, feel free to email HR if you end up deciding that you want to."

"Thank you," Adam said.

"It's no problem," the woman said before hanging up.

Adam sat still on the bed for a while, still cradling his phone as he digested the information that had been given to him. Archie was getting arrested, and he was going to take on all the projects that were rightfully his. Adam's heart was beating fast. Everything seemed too good to be true. He blinked a few times and even pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Holy shit," he whispered under his breath as he got up from the bed. "Holy shit." He repeated, realizing how much money was now on the table if he took on Archie's projects. This was really happening.

He made a beeline for the bathroom, before splashing some water on his face by the sink. He took some deep breaths, calming himself down before looking at his reflection in the mirror. He almost couldn't recognize the man that was looking back at him. The man had light in his eyes, healthy skin, and a fleshed-out face.

He was healthy.

And now he was also going to be financially stable.

Adam heaved.

This was really happening.

He dried his face with a towel before heading to the living room and taking a seat by his work desk. He booted his computer that had gone to sleep before logging on to join Assad and his friends online again. They were still playing the game, so he quickly joined in on the fun. A few hours later, they all decided to log off, and Adam decided to send Assad a message.

Message to: Assad.

Hey, could you email me your digital portfolio?

WED, 7:02 PM.

Assad replied almost immediately.

Message from: Assad.

Sure, what for?

WED, 7:02 PM.

Adam nibbled on his lower lip, wondering if he should tell the man. He decided against it since the lady on the line had told him that it was not a guarantee and that Assad would just be a priority while looking through the applications.

Message to: Assad.

It's a secret.

WED, 7:03 PM.

Adam decided that he could find out when and if he got selected.

Message from: Assad.

LOL, okay.


I'll send it in a bit.

Adam smiled, before clicking off the messaging app and tucking his phone away.

Hopefully, Assad would be selected. The man was extremely talented after all.

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