Chapter 12: making a truce

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I kept rereading the words on the paper over and over again:

She sure is pretty, Tom. You should take better care of her. We'd hate to see someone take advantage of such a sexy girl.

Eventually, my hands started shaking and my eyes got blurry with tears. "Fuck," I muttered, placing my hand on my forehead. "Fuck. Fuck!" I looked up at Tom, wiping away a tear that had fallen. "This is bullshit! What the fuck does this even mean?" Tom put his elbows on the table and his head in his hands.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled. Everyone turned their heads to look at him, and I wondered if Tom apologizing was a rare occurrence. From what I knew of him, that didn't surprise me.

"I don't understand," April said. "Why are Mackie's guys after you all anyway?"

"It's my fault," Tom admitted, still not looking up at us.

"It's not," Harrison argued with a shake of his head. "And you've gotta stop telling yourself it is."

"Why would it be your fault?" April asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm the one who moved us from London to Mackie's neighborhood," he explained. "He's been after us for five years. I took his territory, and he wants it back. If I had kept us in London-"

"-we would've had a different set of problems in a different country," Harrison said. "Trouble's gonna be wherever we are. We just have to deal with it."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, then Harry sighed. "Okay," he said, "we've established how they know who April and (Y/N) are , but how did they know (Y/N) was out?"

"And why are they going after (Y/N) and not April?" Sam repeated.

"Well," Harrison said slowly, like he was hesitant, "April is associated with me, right? She's my girlfriend. (Y/N) is, in turn, associated with Tom."

"How am I associated with Tom?" I asked. "By default?"

"I mean, you guys were dancing together at the club that you said Mackie's guys were at," April answered. "I guess it kind of makes sense." Tom and I made eye contact for a slight second before we both looked away.

"All that aside," Harry said, "I still don't get how they knew (Y/N) was out. And how they knew that's where she would be."

"Is someone watching us?" I asked.

"No way," Tom said. "No one could be watching the house. There's no way."

"Okay," I said. "Then I don't get it."

"Let's forget about how this happened for a second," Harrison said. "The thing we should be focusing on is making sure that you guys know what to do if this happens again."

"What does that mean?" April asked.

"I think we should teach you about the job," he said, "and how to protect yourselves if something happens to you."

"Like self defense?" April said.

"Like self defense," Harrison repeated with a nod. April and I looked at each other before we both nodded.

"Okay," April said. "If that's what you think is the best idea."

"I do," Harrison said a smirk resting on his lips. "Tom?"

Tom shrugged. "I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Great," Harrison said. "So I'll help April, you can help (Y/N)?" I rolled my eyes, and Tom sighed but nodded. "Why don't we get started right away, then," Harrison said. "You girls go put on some gym stuff and come right back. We'll take you down to the gym."

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