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Due to Daxx's excessive worrying, he told me that I had to be bedridden for at least the next week. 

Jimmy had left pretty quickly after Daxx got here, not wanting to get in the way when my whole family were worried about me. They had been fussing over me all evening. Angel and Mum had came to visit with Mary, checking up on me too. Mum brought me my favourite food, but I wrinkled my nose at the sight. I didn't have much of an appetite at the moment.

They were all super shocked that something like this would happen in our sleepy area of town, let alone on school property. Mum was worried sick. I felt bad lying to them, of course I did, but I couldn't bring myself to tell them all the truth- not now that I was so deep into the lie. Hell, the police had even been lied to. The consequences of that alone were too much to even consider. 

I had texted Felix, telling him the truth and he was incredibly worried. He said he would come see me tomorrow, to keep me company and get the full story. I felt bad he was going to be ditching lectures, but I honestly do need somebody to talk about this to. He said he'd told Will what happened, but I hadn't heard from him. I bit my lip every time I thought about it. I don't think he cared.

It was midnight right now, but I couldn't sleep. My ribs were throbbing and my eye had swollen a bit. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, groaning in pain as I went. Apparently it was good to try to stand up occasionally while my ribs were healing, but it felt horrible. I made my way back to my room and slid my balcony door open, going to stand out there for some air.

I leant against the rail and looked straight down. My thoughts were a bit dark, despite me trying to suppress them. I couldn't stop thinking about the feet and fists pounding into me today, their hatred for me leaking out of every possible pore as they attacked me. It was peaceful at night. The wind whipped against my bare chest, sending a shiver down my spine, but it was refreshing. It felt nice to just be alone with my thoughts, everything quiet. Nobody looking at me, worrying about me, hating me.

I can understand why Daxx used to go out at night with Connor. We were forbidden from ever doing it, because of what happened. Not that I was in any shape to shimmy over the balcony and down the tree at the moment anyway. I would have quite liked to have explored the city at night, experience a different side to it. Obviously I wouldn't though- I couldn't do that to my Mum. Plus, Connor would murder me. He still went on about that day Daxx was admitted to the hospital- how his heart shattered. 

I was torn out of my thoughts by a shadowy figure walking up the hill. I watched them draw closer and stop outside my house. We were clearly looking straight at each other, but I couldn't make out who it was. I considered the possibility of a very bold murderer or robber, but I had a pretty good idea of who it actually was. 

"Can I come up?" They whisper-yelled into the dark, confirming my guess of who the shadowy figure was.

"Jimmy?" I asked, uncomfortable and slightly shocked, "What are you doing here?"

He didn't reply. Instead, he made his way to one of the trees next to my balcony and jumped for a branch, pulling himself up onto it. I was slightly impressed. I had tried that once, but I didn't have the upper body strength. In fact, it had ended with me on my ass. A rather large bruise had appeared not long after, reminding me of how weak I was every time I sat down.

Jimmy balanced along the branch carefully and skilfully jumped onto the balcony ledge. He hopped over the barrier and I could see his face clearly now. He looked just as rough as earlier, if not rougher. The bags under his eyes seemed to have grown. I blinked in surprise- why the hell was Jimmy Wellot on my balcony? 

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked, ushering me back inside.

I scrunched up my eyebrows, making my way back to bed. I laid down, propping myself up with pillows and looking at him expectantly. He looked around before kicking off his shoes and making himself comfortable in the chair by my bedside. I looked at him, surveying his every move. It wasn't like I expected anything bad to happen, I just didn't trust him.

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