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I showed up to football practice, already dressed in my kit. I changed in the bathrooms in school; I would be dead the second I entered those changing rooms. I tried it once before and they called me horrible names, said I was watching them change. As if I'd be attracted to any of those goons. Their packages are probably the same size as their brain.

Coach sent me a solemn nod and I nodded back. We have a weird relationship. I could tell he didn't like me in the slightest- like many of my team members- but he recognises my skill, so he allows me to play. However, he doesn't do much to stop the torment, so it's not that helpful. I feel so tired of the whole thing. I may as well quit at this point- take it up again in college when I'm not at risk of being pulverised by my own team.

I did some stretches to get myself ready before I ran a lap around the field. As a striker, I need to work on my endurance levels, especially after some time off. I was only half way around the field when I suddenly found myself tumbling to the ground- a goon had shoved me while I was running past. My legs were coated in mud and my fresh, white football kit was now covered in grass stains.

I felt anger bubble inside of me, but I tried to push it down. I kept reminding myself that it wasn't worth it and that I had been dealing with this sort of thing for years. I took deep breaths, my anger barely keeping at bay.

"We don't want a queer on our team. Fuck off with your boyfriend, Felix." He sneered, turning around to walk back to his friends.

I couldn't keep my anger at bay this time. I felt like ripping his head off for talking to me like that, involving Felix in this. I leapt up with a scream, tackling the gloating oaf from behind. He fell to the floor with a thud and I started kicking him with all of my power. I was fuming. Enraged. He was screaming at me to get off of him, but all I could see was red. They'd put me through hell for long enough.

"Not so strong now are you?" I screeched, my cleated foot stamping on his body- I just have looked feral, because I certainly felt wild.

By the time the other goons got me off of him, the guy was covered in blood and muddy foot prints. My fists were bloody too, but I didn't notice the stinging sensation until the angry haze lifted. Then I realised what I'd done. I was definitely going to get kicked off the team for this... and probably jumped after school and beat to a bloody pulp. Fuck.

I looked around and saw one of the guys holding me back was Jimmy Wellot. I shrugged him off and stormed across the football field, much to Coaches protest. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to get out of there. My skin was still burning hot with anger, my cheeks flushed. My heart was pounding in my ears, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I grabbed my stuff and headed to my car, throwing it in and locking the doors after me. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them tried to rip the door off of my car after the stunt I just pulled.

 I pulled out my phone and rang Felix.

"Hello?" Felix's confused voice rang through, "I thought we weren't meeting for another hour."

"Uh, what I was doing was cancelled. Are you free now?"I asked, my voice wobbling a bit. I bit my lip nervously.

"Uhm..." I've messed it up, haven't I? "Yeah sure, but I'm at my dorm right now."

"I can pick you up? What's your address?" I asked, excitedly punching his response into my google maps, "See you soon."

I felt like a little kid again, on my way to see a friend to hang out. I was practically bouncing in my seat by the time I pulled up outside the university dorms, shooting a text to Felix to let him know I was outside. I threw my dirty gym bag to the backseat and brushed the seat off, changing the radio station to something more upbeat as I waited.

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