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"Blackbird singing in the dead of night."- Blackbird, The Beatles.

Eliana's POV

"Good morning Eliana." Miss Lydia greeted me as I made my way inside her office.

"Good morning Miss- Umm... Good morning Lydia.." I corrected myself and gave her a small smile as I sat down on the leather armchair beside her desk. She shut the door with a soft click and circled around the desk, sitting down on her chair. She placed her hands softly on her lap and looked up at me.

"Tell me, Eliana, how are you holding up?" She offered me a gentle smile and I took a breath, exhaling loudly, and spoke up.

"To be honest, I've been doing really well.."I trailed off and watched as her eyebrows shot up in surprise. Her smile faltered for a second, but it returned quickly.

"Really? I have never heard you say that... I'm glad Eliana." She said, her voice soft as silk."Have you been taking your medication?" She asked, arching her right eyebrow as she pushed on the bridge of her glasses with her index finger.

"I.. umm.. Well, no. I stopped taking them after our last session. I-I th-" I stuttered, looking down at my hands and I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I looked up at her and noticed how tense she looked. I furrowed my eyebrows and continued. "That's why I've been feeling better... After I stopped taking the pills, I felt more like myself again."

Her soft gaze turned into one of fury, her pretty green eyes darkening and her jaw clenching. I noticed how her manicured nails were digging inside her palm, tearing the flesh, and probably drawing blood. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing for a second or two and quickly regained her composure.

I told you I don't like her..., my subconscious said to me.

"So you stopped taking your medication. Why didn't you ask me, Eliana? This treatment isn't optional. It's mandatory that you continue taking your medication." She said strictly with a tight smile on her face. My frown deepened at her reaction, but I guess I saw that coming.

"I feel much better now Miss Lydia! I really do. And I think I'm done with my treatment. That's why I didn't ask for your permission to stop and that's why I asked to see you today. I'm sorry if I offended you and your work, I really didn't mean to." I said softly not wanting to cause a scene. Her green eyes were piercing through her glasses as she opened her mouth to say something, but I beat her to it.

"And before you object Miss Lydia, I'm not gonna start taking those pills again.. I mean I don't even remember why I started the treatment in the first place. Please understand, I can't stand this situation anymore." I said, feeling more confident this time. That caught her attention and she leaned her head to the side, looking at me the whole time.

Well, that's not the whole truth... , my subconscious said mischievously.

She doesn't need to know that now, does she?

"You don't ?" She asked incredulously, her eyes widening a fraction as the two words rolled off her tongue as if in slow motion. I nodded slowly and she placed her arms in front of her on the desk, folding them and leaning on them. I couldn't help but take a quick look at her cleavage, that was now on display, her tight white blouse clinging on her and her gold necklace diving inside her breasts. I averted my eyes quickly and looked up at her eyes.

"So you mean to tell me that you decided on your own to stop taking your medication, putting an end to your treatment after realizing that you forgot why you started the treatment in the first place?" She asked, her voice hard and cold, both her eyebrows raised as she waited for an answer. I have never seen her act like this...

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