Pills N Smokes

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"Pills N Potions, we're overdosing."-Pills N Potions, Nicki Minaj.

* Trigger warning* Mention of harassment and medication!

Disclaimer: I'm not against medication nor are similar situations like Eli's so exaggerated and bad, it's just for the sake of the story!

Eliana's POV

"Okay, Eliana. I'll see you in a week. Don't forget to take your medication. Τake care!" Miss Lydia, my psychiatrist said as she smiled kindly at me, showing me to the door.

"Thank you, Miss Lydia. I will! Have a nice weekend!" I smiled at her and stepped out of her office. I felt her soft hand on my arm and I turned around to look at her.

"Eliana, it's just Lydia. We've talked about this." She said and her sweet smile relaxed my nerves completely. I smiled back at her and nodded slowly.

"Okay Lydia, see you next week," I said and walked towards the stairs.

I've been visiting Miss Lydia for the last four weeks. Since that terrifying experience in my bedroom five weeks ago, the hallucinations have just got worse and more frequent. Every single night I saw him in my bedroom, sometimes he would talk to me, sometimes he would just sit in my bed and stare at me with his pitch-black eyes. I thought I was going crazy and as a psychology undergraduate, I decided that the best solution is to start seeing a psychologist. 

That's when I started visiting Mr. Vasiliades. He had said that hallucinations can be caused by mental illness, as side effects of medication, consuming too much alcohol, taking drugs, or an incident that caused emotional trauma. He had explained that they may affect your vision, sense of smell, taste, hearing, or bodily sensations. At first, he advised me to stop consuming alcohol and get more sleep, with a stable sleeping schedule. After I explained everything that happened between me and Lucifer and how I saw him every night in my bedroom, he said that I have to find some things to do, in order to distract myself. He told me to stop talking about him, stop saying his name, and tell my friends to stop mentioning him.

But the hallucinations continued and I kept seeing him everywhere I went. The most disturbing fact was that when I imagined him, his face was blank and his eyes were completely black. Not an inch of white inside. Two black pitless holes staring back at me and sucking me in.

And when I told that to Mr. Vasiliades, he decided that this is the work of a psychiatrist and not a psychologist. Then he sent me to Miss Lydia.

That's when I started taking medication. Miss Lydia prescripted me with antipsychotics. As soon as I saw what the medication was, I knew that it would have side-effects on my memory and mental state. And indeed, since I started taking it my memory was more cloudy, never clear enough. But I wanted so badly to get him out of my head that I didn't care.

It's been two weeks since he stopped showing up in my bedroom because I couldn't recall his figure. I've been focusing on my studies, stopped going out with my friends, stopped drinking. Blake, Elliot, and Christine would visit me at my house or I would go to theirs. But most of the time we would all gather at mine and have a movie marathon or play videogames.

I couldn't really say that life was back to normal because that wasn't who I truly was. I loved partying all night long. I smoked and drank with my crew, visiting most of the clubs in Thessaloniki in one single night. But that had to stop for a while until I got back on my feet. Until I forgot him completely.

5:30 pm

After leaving Miss Lydia's office, I returned to my house and once I entered I saw a man sitting on the couch, his huge back facing me.

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