Chapter 6

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I was walking down the hall to my locker when I saw Bailey standing in front of my locker and I internally groan. Just great. I didn't want to deal with her right now I have to much on my mind.

I scowl then turn and start walking away.

"Alex." she called and the she was right in front of me.

How the hell did she do that? Does she have super speed or something?

I sigh, "Go away Bailey. I don't want to deal with you right now."

She studied me for a second and then asked "Are you ok? Is there anything g I can do to help?"

What part of leave me alone does she not understand?

"I'm fine Bailey." I say annoyed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I say and just then the bell rang. Thank god. Saved by the bell. I look at Bailey and see a flicker of hurt in her eyes and I feel guilty. I don't know why I feel guilty, she keeps bothering me. I should be happy but I'm not.

Bailey gives me a smile and says "I'll see you after school. We have to work on our project." Then walks down the hallway.

Well now that's happening yay. I sigh and walk to my next class.

My last class of the day was gym. I hate gym. I have to wear short sleeves and shorts and that means more people could come in contact with my ski and then more chances I'll be sent to the nurse or yelled at.

I walk into the girls locker room just as ,most of the girls left. I change quickly and head into the gym.

The coach told us to run three laps around the track and I decided to stay in the far back so there would be no chance of someone touching me. I saw a blonde haired girl sprinting around the track racing a blonde haired guy and I realized that is was Bailey.

After I finished the laps I stood as far away from where Bailey was standing because I didn't want her to notice me. I hoped that we wouldn't be playing anything like basketball or soccer. I rather dodgeball or something.

"Alright class listen up. Today we'll be basketball. If you don't want to do that then to bad it's required." Ms. Bandon said and then split us into  teams.

I groan internally. Why couldn't we play dodgeball?

Our group started to play and I made sure to follow everyone else and just pretend that I was doing something. I was doing pretty good job of pretending until the ball bounced over to me. My team started yelling at me to get the ball and pass it to them. I saw somebody running towards me to get the ball so I pick it up and throw it at someone who was waving their arms at me. But the guy running towards me didn't stop I'm time and ran into me. I was smaller than him and I could feel myself ran into the ground.

Everyone was sitting at the laughing and looking happy. Until one man fell out of his chair. Everyone started yelling, one person called 911, another was trying to do CPR but I knew he was dead. Children were crying and adults were trying to comfort them and I heard sirens in the distance.

"Ms. Lawrence are you ok?" I heard someone ask.

I blinked a few times, pinched myself and reminded myself that I was in gym class not at someone's house.

"Ms. Lawrence are you ok? Do you want to go to the nurse?" Ms. Bandon asked.

I sat up and looked around. People were still playing basketball in the half of the gym and the guy who I assumed ran into me was standing with Ms.Bandon. I nodded slowly and pretended to wince like my head hurt. Anything to get out of gym class.

"Ok. Cole would you like to take Alex to the nurse?" she asked.

"I'll take her Ms. Bandon." we look over surprised because Bailey suddenly appeared.

"Ok Bailey." she said and Cole ran off to play basketball.

I got up and walked slowly out of the gym and Bailey was right next to me. 

Once we were out of the gym I started walking at a normal pace and walked to the locker rooms.

"Where we going? You have to go the nurse." Bailey said as we entered the locker rooms.

"I'm fine Bailey. I just got knocked to the ground it's no big deal." I said and found my bag and went into the bathroom to change. I wasn't comfortable changing in front of Bailey. 

"But then why did Ms. Bandon tell you to go to the nurse?" she asked as I exited the stall and I saw that she was changed as well.

"Because I wanted to get out of gym class so I pretended to be hurt. Now stop asking questions." I said and slung my bad over my shoulder and left the locker rooms.

"Then what you going to do for the rest of the period?" she asked following me out.

I sigh and turned to face her, " I'm going leave. It's last period and nobody going to check on me because they'll think that I'm at the nurse." 

"Can I come with you?"  she asked me. 

I started walking away  but she followed me.




"Why?" she asked.

"Because I don't want you to come."


I scowled. Why won't she shut up and leave me alone?

"Fine." I said as we walked out of school. I realized that she wouldn't leave me alone about it so why not?

We reached my bike and I turned to her, "Do you have my helmet?"

"Yeah it's in my brother's car I'll go get it." she said and walked away. I pulled out my phone and looked on Twitter.

"Ok here it is." she said holding the helmet. I looked up surprised. How did she get back here so fast?

"Put it on." I said and put away my phone. We got on and drove out of the school parking lot.

Just Let Me InOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora