The escape.

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Chris was walking up and down in his cell, feeling restless. He had spent many months meticulously preparing his plan for his escape and he was thinking again and again all the details, so that nothing could go wrong. He was also wondering about everything that led him to be in this position today and the wrong decisions he made. Things could be different but they aren't and he had to deal with this harsh truth and see what he can do now to fix things. He wanted to prove his innocence and clear his name after being arrested for a crime that he didn't commit and that ingited a sense of urgency within him. Why these things should happen to him? Following an episode with one of his inmates, he felt that it was time to act fast and that he shouldn't wait any longer.

In the prison, there were guards everywhere, tirelessly patrolling, day and night, the facility. However, no matter how difficult it seemed, Chris found a solution. He had managed to smuggle in, a small metal file that he would use it to gradually chip away, the studs that surrounded a window that was made out of steel, that his cell had.

During his time behind bars, Chris also became friends with a compassionate guard, named George, who had grown to care deeply about his struggles, believed that he wasn't guilty and felt sorry for him after witnessing what the other convicts had done to him the last time. When Chris was ready to flee, George had vowed to turn his gaze on the opposite direction, ensuring that Chris' plan would go unhindered.

The day finally arrived. Chris was feeling a turmoil inside, that didn't let him to sleep the previous night. Though, that didn't stop him from continuing with his plan, while he was hoping that everything will work out in the end. Chris was able to remove the window from his cell by breaking the studs and creating a hole large enough to slip through. The timing was of the essence, so he patiently expected for the night to come, waiting for the moment that the guards would be the least vigilant and then, with George's assistance, he slipped out of his cell and into the dimly lit hallway.

He walked down the hallway, always behind George, who skillfully navigated them through the labyrinth of surveillance cameras, carefully avoiding them, whilst making very little noise so that noone would realize what was happening and start yelling and end up getting caught. George guided Chris to a maintenance closet where he had stashed a set of civilian clothes and some cash.

Chris put on the clothes and tucked the money into his pocket. Before opening the door and letting him out into the night, George gave him a brief hug and wished him good luck and Chris thanked him for everything he has done for him.

Chris carefully exited the prison and made his way into the nearby woods, despite the fact that his body was trembling anxiously. He was also aware that he needed to move rapidly if he wanted to escape, before the alarm that would signify his absence, starts ringing.

He rushed through the dark woods, as his heart kept racing and without stopping to run, till he reached a small road. He waved to a passing car, appealed to the driver's compassion and the driver agreed to give him a ride.

The driver was a kind-hearted man, who didn't know that he was assisting an accused criminal. Chris gave him a fake name and told him that he was travelling to see his mother, who was sick.

Chris purchased a bus ticket to a small, remote village that was many hours away from where the driver had dropped him off. He knew that if he wanted to prove his innocence, he would need to remain hidden for a while.

When he found himself to the small village, he quickly looked for a cheap hotel to stay in. He used the limited money George had given him, to hire a private investigator and he spent the following few weeks gathering proof of his innocence.

Finally, when he had in his hands sufficient evidence to clear his name, he got in touch with an experienced lawyer who agreed to take his case and together they presented the evidence to the court, so that they unravel the web of injustice that had entangled him.

In a dramatic turn of events, Chris was ultimately found not guilty and was released from jail. Once he was set free, he realized that the goodwill of a guard and a stranger, helped him with his escape and freedom.

Chris was determined to make the most out of his second chance, after that day. He did his best, in order to live a happy and prosperous life, always grateful for the escape that had granted him his freedom.

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