Chapter 26

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Carlisle held his hand out to prevent Ariella from murdering the three nomads. Laurent spoke once again, this time his tone was soothing, trying to defuse the sudden hostility. "It appears that we have a lot to learn about each other."

"Indeed." Carlisle's voice was cool.

"We would like to accept your invitation." His eyes flickered between Carlisle and Ariella nervously. "And of course, no harm shall be brought upon the human girl. It will be like I said, we will not hunt in your range."

Ariella took note of the look of disbelief and aggravation that went to James' face and he glanced at Laurent. He exchanged another brief look at Victoria, who's eyes were still flickering from face to face.

Within a few seconds, Ariella, Jasper, Edward and Bella were already headed towards the jeep. They made it out as quickly as possible. Edward, with Bella on his back, and Ariella lead the run. When they arrived at the jeep, Edward flung Bella onto the back seat. "Strap her in."

Ariella strapped Bella with the numerous number of locks and Jasper climbed on to the front seat. Edward started the engine, and swerved back to face the winding road. Edward growled a spring of profanities. Ariella rolled her eyes. She could see that they were heading south, away from Forks.

"Where are we going?" Bella asked. No one answered her question, or even acknowledged her.

"Dammit, Edward! Where are you taking me?" Bella yelled.

"We have to get you far away from here – far away – now." He didn't look back, his eyes on the road. Ariella sighed.

"Turn around! Take me home!" Bella shouted, trying to unstrap the harness that was bounding her to the seat. "Ariella, take these stupid straps off!"

Instead of taking them off, Ariella gripped her sister's hand tightly (but not too tight that it she'll crush her bones). Bella yelled in protest. "No! Edward, let me go! You have to take me back! Charlie will call the FBI on your family! Carlisle and Esme, they'll have to leave! To hide forever!"

"Edward," Ariella said. Edward glanced at her briefly. "Edward, if we don't return, there's a good chance that Dad will get hurt."

"Ariella! Don't act like you understand, because you don't! You've hardly even been a vampire for a week! You don't know what a tracker is or what they do!" Edward yelled. The sound of his voice was deafening, but that didn't stop Ariella.

"So? I might be new to this bloody thing, but I need to keep my father safe!" Ariella shot back.

"Pull over, Edward." Jasper said, using his abilities to let Edward comply. "Let's look at possible options in the mean time."

"There – are – no – options!" Edward yelled.

"I'm not leaving Charlie!" Bella yelled.

It was silent for a few moments. Bella spoke up. "Listen to me."


"Listen! You take me back." Bella started. Ariella glared at her but let her continue. "Take me back. I'll tell Charlie I want to go back to Arizona. I'll pack my bags, we wait until James is watching and then we run. He'll follow us and leave Charlie alone. Then you can take me to any damned place you want."

"It might work." Jasper nodded his head. "We can't leave Charlie alone. You know that, Edward."

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