Chapter 18

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"We still need to see on how Ariella will react to human blood." Alice stated, interrupting the soulmates' moment.

"How about I invite Bella?" Edward suggested. Jasper stiffened beside Ariella. "Don't worry, I'll be there to protect her if ever anything unfortunate happens."

"Good idea. We haven't met this Bella yet, either." Esme said. "I'll cook for her, alright?"

"No, let her eat before she comes.' Edward refused. Emmett and Rosalie looked at one another and went off to their rooms. Jasper and Ariella looked at one another as well.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ariella asked, uncertain about the whole thing. "I don't want to make my sister hate me more than she already does."

"Alice?" Carlisle asked, asking the seer for answers.

"It will go alright." Alice replied simply.

"Then I guess Ariella will need to hunt, as well as Jasper." Carlisle nodded his head towards the two. Ariella looked uncertain about hurting an animal, but nodded in agreement anyway. She and Jasper went out and spent the whole night hunting.

The next day, Ariella and Jasper returned to the Cullen residence, where they found Esme and the others, bar Edward, cooking Italiano for Bella.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie scoffed.

"Her name is Bella." Emmett said.

"Oh, they're here!" Esme said, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Get a whiff of that." Rosalie said, disgusted. "Here comes the human."

Edward and Bella appeared from the living room, and imagine what it must have been like for Bella to find her sister in the house of her boyfriend. Her sister who has been missing for more than 3 days.

"Why is she here?" Bella asked, repugnance showing in her voice.

"She's like us." Carlisle said simply.

"You turned her?!" Bella exclaimed, aghast. "B-But, b-but, b-but Charlie! You're just going to disappear to nowhere, when in fact you've been here all along. Charlie's been worried sick about you, have you ever considered that? Have you ever considered his feelings?"

Jasper felt the wave of anger come from Ariella. He tried to calm her down, but once again, everything was too powerful for him to overcome. Like a tsunami hitting land. Ariella glared at her sister harshly. "You think I didn't think of him? Me? Not think of Dad?"

Bella flinched at her sister's unusual unforgiving words. Ariella continued on, "Face it, Isabella. You don't care about Dad. You care about your own feelings. That's exactly how bloody selfish you are. You can't even call him Dad except to his face. And you call yourself his daughter?! Why are you so opposed to me being like them? Is it because you want the same for yourself yet, Edward refuses to? Have you ever thought of what I felt like?"

The Cullens were silenced by Ariella's words. Ariella didn't bother to yell. Her words were eerily calm, but with a layer of steel behind it that made it a hundred times worse. Bella scoffed. "Talk about hypocrisy."

"I beg your pardon?!" Ariella made a face at her sister's words.

"You talk about feelings, but have you considered what I felt like when you left to go to that school in Scotland? What it felt like when your own parents are like, 'Oh, look! She's a witch, she's special!' and completely neglects you?" Bella seethed.

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