Chapter 1

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A quick note:

This is not a sequel to 'The Alpha's Sister'.

I'm sorry to everyone who wanted a sequel but there may be one in the future I'm not sure yet.

But I hope you enjoy this story. :)


I walk along the lockers trying to avoid any contact with other people. I have my headphones in and I'm just hoping that no one talks to me. 

I successfully got through the first half of the day without being noticed or touched. At lunch I was at my locker when someone bumped into me, their hand touched the back of my neck and I shuddered.

"I'm sorry there was nothing we could do. His heart failed before we could  do the transplant. I'm so sorry."  the doctor said and a girl dropped to the ground crying. "No." she cried. The girl next to her tried to comfort her but she was crying as well. 

I pinch myself and blinked a few times. I'm at school not at a hospital. I take a deep breath and shut my locker. When I turned around I see a girl with long blonde looking at me curiously. I glare at her and walk down the hallway.

I make way to the staircase that leads to the roof. Most people don't know about and the teachers think the door is locked but I picked the lock a long time ago. I look around and make sure no one followed me and opened the door and went up the stairs.

I sat on the roof eating my lunch staring at the view thinking. I was in all black with as much skin covered as I could. I don't like people touching me or talking to me. When people touch my skin I see how they die. That's why I try and avoid people at all costs. Sometimes the people's deaths are really bad but most of the time it's and illness or natural causes. Nobody knows, not even my parents. Over the years I became so good at hiding it that now it just looks like I spaced out or at least that's what some people said. I don't know why have this, I guess I was born with it.

My thoughts were interrupted by my timer going off and I sighed, it was time to go to afternoon classes. I packed up my lunch and headed down the stairs. 

At the end of the day I hide in a bathroom to avoid the stampede of people leaving school. Once I heard less voices I came out and started walking to the door. I was almost to my motorcycle when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tensed up immediately and turned around. 

"Hi I'm Bailey." the blonde haired girl said and I glared at her.

"I was just wondering if you were ok. You know from lunch. You look like you spaced out after that guy bumped into you." Bailey said looking concerned. I continued to glare at her. I didn't need her concern I was fine. There was only one more year of high school and then I could leave Woodcreek.

"What's your name?" she asked and I didn't answer just continued to glare at her but she doesn't seem to be put off by it.

"Well if you don't tell me then I'll just call you honey." she said with a smile.

"We don't live in the south." I mutter and start walking towards my motorcycle.

"Sweetie it is." she yelled at me while I got only bike. I glared at her one more time and sped off. God that girl is annoying. 

I park my motorcycle in our driveway and head inside. 

"Hey Alex. How as school?" my dad called from his office.

"Fine." I called back and headed up to my room.

My room had a bunch of different pictures on the wall, along with a bulletin board that I put all my good Polaroid pictures. All the bad ones got put in a box in my closet. The walls were painted dark grey. I wanted black but my mom wouldn't let me paint the walls black so we compromised  with dark grey.

I grabbed my  guitar and headed back downstairs and went into my dad's office.

"I'm going out. Text me when dinner is almost ready okay?" I say.My dad glanced up and nodded.

As I was going out the door my dad yelled "Have fun sweetie and be safe." I yelled back ok and shut the door behind me.

I slung my guitar case on my back and hopped back onto my motorcycle and rode off.

I arrived at the park and parked in the gravel parking lot. I head to one of the side trails that lead to a look out. Not many people go on the side trails so I don't usually see anyone. 

I hike until I reach a pile of giant rocks and I climb to the top and sit cross legged. I love coming up here and getting fresh air. It's nice and quiet and the perfect place to think. No one's around so I don't hav ego worry about people running into me. 

I look out over the woods and I could see the main path and all the people walking on it. I wonder if Bailey would like it up here. I shook my head. Why was I thinking about her? I haven't seen her around so maybe she's new? I sigh and pull out my guitar and start strumming random chords. I stared at the sky and just let my fingers play.

It's been so long since anyone at school actually talked to me and that's probably because they think I'm a freak and goth. Even in group projects it's just a few words. It felt nice to be noticed for once but that just means I could get hurt again. I sigh. Why would Bailey approach me? I couldn't figure it out. She looked like a happy person and I don't want to ruin that.

I heard my phone vibrate and I knew int was my dad telling me that dinner would be done soon. I sighed and put my guitar back in its case and headed back down the trail.

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