Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Anaira was shocked as she too couldn't see the file in the folder. It was her 3 days hard work and it was a very important file on which both Aditya and she had worked. They had a meeting tomorrow and the data was very much required.

She searched her laptop for some more time to check whether it was misplaced in any other folder but alas! she couldn't find it. Her throat went dry and she called Aditya with trembling hands.

"Did you find it?" he asked

"No. But I'm sure I saved it there on Friday" she said.

"Stop with the damn excuses. I just need the effing file not your reasons." he shouted.

Anaira almost had tears in her eyes. She didn't know how it went missing.

"What am I supposed to tell the clients? What are we going to do in the meeting tomorrow? Do you think this is all a joke? How irresponsible can you be?" he continued.

The meeting was tomorrow evening. She had to do something before that. But how can she complete it by tomorrow she didn't know.

"I will call the client and postpone the meeting for one day and I need you to redo the file by day after tomorrow by youself and don't think this matter is over. I won't leave this." he told her and cut the call.

Tears started flowing through her eyes and she cried like a baby. She knew she couldn't do the file by Tuesday. There was no way and that too alone! it was impossible.


It was Friday evening and Anaira was working on something. She had been sulking this whole week and her face looked so dull and lifeless. Simran saw her sitting like that and tried to cheer her up.

"TGIF!! And you, you need to come out of your sulking mode and be normal like before." she told Anaira.

"I'm fine Simran." Anaira said

"I can see that on your face. It's over and done with. Why are you still thinking about that and spoiling your mood? This Sunday you're coming with me and we are going to the mall to buy you a beautiful dress for my cousin's wedding and no excuses." Simran told her strictly.

"Alright. I will come with you. I'm excited about your cousin's wedding as well." Anaira replied smiling.

"See that's how you roll. Keep smiling like this, it suits you!" Simran said giving her a hug.

Simran left for the day telling her that she will meet her on Sunday. Anaira was still working on something. As she sat there working she thought about what had happened at the beginning of the week.


After Anaira had got the call from Aditya about the missing file she contacted someone from their IT team and got the file recovered.

She immediately called Aditya and informed him but he already had moved the meeting to Tuesday. The person from the IT told her that they will check how the file was deleted and let them know.

When she came to office on Monday, Aditya called her to his cabin and yelled at her.

"How irresponsible can you be? You couldn't even save one file properly." he said

Anaira didn't want to argue with him so she stood there silently. Aditya could see her face was very dull. She was in the verge of crying.

"Another mistake and I won't think twice about throwing you out of here." he continued.

"Sorry, I will be careful next time." she said.

"I don't need your sorry. I should blame myself first for giving this responsibility to you. Definitely not your cup of tea." he said.

Anaira controlled her tears and stood there like a statue.

"Leave now!" he told her.

Anaira left his cabin and went straight to the restroom and cried her heart out. She thought if she hadn't started liking him his words wouldn't have affected her so much.

She got headache from all the crying she had done. Simran tried cheering her up but she was dull through out the day.

When they got results from the IT, it was a shocker. Apparently the file was deleted by Aditya's ID. He has deleted it on Saturday night while working from home. He had done that by mistake.

When he got to know this he was so embarassed. He wanted to apologize to Anaira but his ego or just being too embarassed by this, he couldn't do it.

He has seen how hurt she was and he had seen her red puffy eyes indicating that she had actually cried because of him. But he still didn't apologize.

When he had to speak to her about anything related to work, he kept it normal as if nothing had happened. He could see that she was sad the whole week and her face had lost all the glow yet he didn't do anything to rectify his mistake.

Anaira was even more hurt because of this. She didn't want him to beg her or anything, just accepting his mistake would have made her happy. But he didn't!!


Anaira completed her work and she had to submit it to Aditya. She didn't want to go to his cabin but she had no other go. Whenever she saw his face she felt like crying. This whole week had been a mess.

She went and knocked the door few times. She went inside when she didn't get any response. There he was sitting on his chair. His head was bent and he looked like he was sleeping. 'But he never sleeps in office!' Anaira thought to herself.

"Sir, Sir?" she called him few times.

When she didn't get any response Anaira got worried. She went near him and shook him. It looked like he had a temperature. She kept her hand on his hand and checked. She slowly tried lifting him up and he opened his eyes.

Anaira kept her hand on his forehead and indeed he was burning. He has developed a fever.

"Are you okay? Looks like you have fever." she asked him.

He just nodded his head. He looked pale and tired. Like he had no energy at all. Anaira didn't know what to do.

"Do you need some water? Shall I call your dad?" she asked.

"No. My dad and mom are out of town. Don't bother, I will be fine. You can go now." he replied.

Anaira got really angry at this stubborn man in front of her. 'What is with his attitude even when he is sick?' she thought.

"No. You look very pale and you have a high fever. I'll call your driver and we'll go to the hospital." she said.

"No Anaira. I don't want to trouble you. I will be fine." he said.

"What is with this stubbornness? I told you I'm not going. Sit quietly, I'm calling the driver now." she scolded him and went out.

Aditya was shocked to see this side of Anaira, the bossy one. He wasn't in the state to retort and hence he sat there like he was told to.

END of Chapter 12!

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