Chapter 4

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First Day at the Office:

Anaira got ready and left for office in a hurry. Her mom forced her to eat breakfast before she left. Radha thought to herself 'How's this silly girl going to manage after I leave?'

Anaira took a cab and reached office in 30 minutes. She didn't want to be late on her first day itself. It was 8.45 AM when she reached office and she sighed in relief as she was 15 minutes early. She gave her details at the reception and they provided her with an ID card.

She took the ID and went inside as she was told. She was told to sit in the waiting area and an HR would come and do the joining formalities. She went inside and saw that most of the office was empty. There were very few people here and there working. They seemed busy and nobody bothered to acknowledge her.

Anu sat in the waiting area for sometime and she got bored after 15 minutes. She wanted to use restroom but she thought what if someone comes looking for her when she went to the restroom and sat there for some more time. After sometime she couldn't control herself and went in search of restroom.

Anu was looking for the sign boards to find the loo and didn't realize someone was coming in front of her. She collided with that person and THUD! She fell on the ground. The said person glared at her not bothering to give her a helping hand. He stood tall like a wall, he had not even moved an inch from where he stood. Anu thought to herself 'How rude?! He collided with me and I am the one who fell down and he's glaring at me as if it's him who's hurt.'

Anu felt embarrassed and got up slowly. She wanted to shout at him but didn't want to create a scene on the first day of the office.

"Who are you?" He asked Anu, looking at her curiously. He knew everyone here and he had not seen her before.

'No sorry, no are you okay? Such an A-hole' Anu thought to herself. 🙄

"My name is Anaira. I'm joining here as an intern starting today." She said looking at him. She tried to sound professional.

He opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by someone. " Hi Anaira! I see you're here." It was Pankaj Kapoor.

Anaira sighed in relief after seeing a familiar face. She smiled and replied "Hi Un... ah Hi Sir. Good morning" She was going to call him uncle. 'How dumb are you?' she scolded herself.

"Good morning to you too! The HR who was to get you onboarded today had some emergency and took a day off. Someone else from the HR team will meet you" Pankaj told her and she nodded.

"And I see you have already met my son Aditya. You will be working with him. And Adi, this is Anaira whom you will be mentoring." he introduced them to each other.

"Hi! Nice to meet you." Anaira forwarded her hand for a hand shake. He didn't look pleased. Aditya didn't like these extra things that his dad was asking him to do. He had so much work to do already. He wanted to concentrate only on the company work and didn't want any distractions.

"Adi!" Pankaj called his name.

He then realized that he hasn't returned the greeting. He shook Anaira's hand and said "Likewise." Anaira felt that his response was very robotic and she could gauge that he wasn't happy to be mentoring her.

Adi told them that he has some work and left from there. Pankaj told Anu to go to the HR office. Anaira went to the loo and then went and met the HR to finish the joining formalities.

There was a quick induction for her to tell her about the company's history. They also took her through the company policies, rules and regulations. By afternoon she was done with everything and she was asked to meet Adi post lunch.

END of Chapter 4!

Please comment and let me know your thoughts. Thank you! 😇

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