Chapter 8

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- Sorry Kara. Have to cancel our experimental lessons for the weekend. Tina asked me to help her with geometry 

Oh -

It's okay. It's not like I was enjoying those stupid experiments anyway. Have fun!  -

That was a big fat lie right there. 

I was actually starting to enjoy the dates that Brandon took me to. He was almost always with Tina at school and I loved spending time with him just the two of us but I didn't want to ruin the chances he had with his crush. He was my best friend and I ought to help him out.

I let out a sigh and put the phone back in my pocket. I was at the school gate, ready to walk home by myself like I had done since Tina was in the picture.

"There you go with your sighs again." Zayn's voice emerged from my side and I smiled at him.

He accompanied me to my house on the days he didn't have practices. He had already become another good friend of mine. I had told him that I didn't fancy Tina much and turns out, he didn't too so I was free to talk with him on the matter.

"My best friend ditched me for his crush." I said sourly. "So now I have to come up with something to do over the weekend."

"There's a basketball match on Saturday. It'd be awesome if you could come. Only if you're interested, that is." Zayn suggested. 

A basketball match wouldn't be too bad. It's been ages since I've been to one. Plus, Zayn will be with me so boredom is out of the question.

"I'm in."

"Really? Well I knew you'd say yes so tada!!" He pulled out something from his bag and waved it in front of my face enthusiastically. I took it and realized it was a ticket to the match on Saturday. A light chuckle escaped my mouth and I thanked him. 

Our conversation went on random things till we reached home and I opened the door for me to get in. The sound of the TV echoed indicating that my parents were home. 

"Oh sweetie you're home." Mom appeared from up the stairs when I turned to wave Zayn goodbye. "Oh who is this? Is he your friend?" Mom asked coming closer to me and greeting Zayn with a warm smile.

"Yeah this is Zayn. Zayn, this is my mom." I introduced them and Zayn politely smiled.

"Well what are you doing out there then? Come on in!" Mom invited him in gesturing with her hand.

"Ah no no Mrs. Smith. Thank you but I'll be going now." 

"What nonsense! We don't send off a guest without treating him well. Kara where are your manners?" 

Mom pulled Zayn into the house by his arm while he followed behind looking really awkward. I rolled my eyes and closed the door to join them in the living room, greeting dad, who was reading the newspaper with the TV on, and sat on the couch. Mom went to get something for Zayn to eat while he was looking around the house.

Dad asked a few questions from him and was pleased with his well-mannered-ness. Mom joined the conversation after getting some homemade cookies from the kitchen and we talked for more than an hour while Zayn became less awkward as the time passed.

"I have to go now Kara. My parents must be waiting for me." Zayn told me and I nodded.

He got up from his seat and thanked my parents for their hospitality. My parents seemed very sad to see him go as they had already fallen in love with the boy. My mom got him promised to come again and he was finally free to go.

"He's such a sweet boy. I'm glad you're friends with him honey." Mom cooed with delight as I climbed up the stairs to my room making me chuckle. "I wonder if he likes Kara." I heard mom say before I closed the door of my room and I choked on my saliva.

I took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes to finish up my homework. It was nearly dinner time when I was done arranging my bag for the next day and I took out my phone to check if I had received any messages. There was one from Zayn.

- Hey! Thanks for the treat. Your parents are so cool!!

They were excited because you're the first person to have come to our place other than Brandon so yeah -

- Really? Wow I'm honored

😉 -

Oh and I was gonna ask, when is the match starting? It's not mentioned in the ticket -

- At 3pm. If you want, you can go with me. I'll introduce you to my team mates!!

That'd be awesome! -

- Okay then. Be ready at 1.30 alright?

Copy that sir! -

We talked for sometime until mom called me for dinner. I put away the phone and ran downstairs to the dinner table where I was having a hard time enduring the delicious smell of the shrimp risotto but had to control myself till dad was seated. Finally it was time to start and mom laughed seeing me devouring it like a pig.

"Slow down sweetie or you'll choke." Mom remarked giving me a glass of water.

"I haven't had a meal made by you for a week okay? Don't judge me." I said and continued on swallowing another piece of shrimp. "Oh and there's a basketball match this Saturday and Zayn invited me to watch that." I announced.

"So it's a date?" Mom's eyes were glowing while dad just looked at me with a serious expression.

"No it's not a date!! Mom, we're just friends." I stated rolling my eyes. I watched as mom's face crumpled.

"Don't be late too much." Dad uttered and I nodded in agreement.

He was the type of a protective father but never banned me from having fun or hanging out with my friends. 

There were random conversations for the rest of the dinner and I helped mom clean up the dishes before going up to my room to sleep. I was hoping Friday would go faster so I could watch the basketball match straightaway. 

*Bing bing*


- I'm coming to pick you up tomorrow. 7.30 sharp

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