Chapter 2

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I went to an empty table in the cafeteria and placed my food tray on it. Brandon came and sat in front of me.

"I heard you're having a crush on someone." I started the conversation.

"Me? A crush? You wish! Tina isn't even my type." Brandon scoffed but he was clearly flustered.

"I never said it was Tina though." I smirked and knowing that he had walked right into my trap, Brandon shot me a glare.

"Okay fine! You win. So what if I have a crush on her?" He took a big bite of his burger.

"Well, I'm a little hurt that you tried to hide it from m- Get your hands off my fries!!" I slapped his hand that was grabbing some fries from my food tray. "And talking about Tina, she's coming this way."

Brandon's eyes widen and danced around looking for the blonde. The girl came to our table and asked if she could sit there and I nodded my head yes. She sat next to Brandon, a bit more closer than a stranger would have.

Maybe I'm just imagining things.

"You two seem like good friends." Tina smiled and tried to start a conversation.

"Yeah we are best friends ever since we remember." I replied.

"Oh... When I first saw you two at the locker hall, you were whispering something to her and I thought you guys might be dating." She looked at Brandon.

"Us? Dating? Oh I don't think that'll ever happen." Brandon said making me stare at him intently.

"So you're saying you don't see me as a girl? Well that hurts my dignity." I frowned, pretending to be angry.

"I'm saying, you'd be someone that won't leave me like couples do when they break up." He titled his a bit and smiled at me.

Stop trying to show off idiot, that's not gonna help you with Tina!

I wish I could say that out loud but Tina was staring at us trying to process our conversation so I couldn't. I kicked his leg under the table to stop him from saying more and smiled innocently and subtly pointed at Tina with my eyes. Brandon flinched at the pain and closed his eyes while rubbing his leg with his hand to ease the pain, shooting me a glare.

Boy, if looks could kill, I would've been dead then and there.

"So Brandon, right?" Tina asked, turning to my best friend and tucking some hair behind her ear.

What's with her hair all the time?! It ain't even that thick.

I shook my head to drive away the thoughts that I forced myself to think are prejudiced. I shouldn't be making assumptions about a person I met that day.

I'm sure she's a great girl and it may be a habit of hers.

Suddenly, something hit the back of my head and I saw a crumpled paper on the floor. I rubbed my head with my hand and turned back to see who threw that.

"Oh I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hit you." A tall figure approached our table with quick steps and I immediately recognized him.

He was the basketball team captain of our school, Zayn who was also a popular guy among the girls. He was Brandon's only competition when it came to looks and while Brandon scored in studying, Zayn scored in sports.

"It's okay." I said as he fetched the crumpled paper from the floor.

"Did it hit you hard?" He looked at me with a concerned expression which did made my heart flutter a bit. I'd be surprised if that didn't happen 'cause come on, it's Zayn Collins for crying out loud.

Zayn is one of the coolest guys in the whole school but I didn't have a serious type of a crush on him. It was more of a slight attraction given his amazing personality in addition to his handsome looks. I haven't had any crushes romantically my whole life. Call me abnormal but that was how I was.

"Ah no no don't worry." I hastily replied with a slight grin.

He smiled at me one last time and went back to his table to join the other basketball team members.

"I couldn't understand the lesson with Mr. Wood today. Would it be too much trouble if I asked you to explain it to me?" Tina asked Brandon in her high pitched voice, when I turned back to them after seeing Zayn sit back in his table.

"Of course not! I'd be glad to help you out." Brandon chuckled.

They look like love birds already. Brandon won't have to be troubled to get together with her.

I smiled to myself and finished my meal. After the other two were also finished, we left the cafeteria and walked to the locker hall to get our books where Tina went to her locker which was a bit far from ours, leaving Brandon sort of reluctantly.

"So when's the wedding?" I asked while taking out my books.

"What? There's no wedding!" Brandon shouted.

Your red cheeks say otherwise though.

"Oh no! I was looking forward to be the bridesmaid." I stifled a laugh and remarked, making the guy shoot a glare.

"Okay okay I'll stop." I chuckled and closed my locker and locked it. I turned around only to see Zayn standing there.

"You had left this in the cafeteria." He handed me my phone. "This is yours right? It was on the table you were sitting in."

"Oh my god yeah! Thank you so much. I'm so clumsy. You just saved my life, you know." I took the phone.

"I'm Zayn by the way." He extended his hand towards me.

As if anyone in the school didn't know!

"I'm Kara." I shook his hand and smiled. The bell rang indicating our next class.

"So I'll see you around?" Zayn asked.

"See you around." I repeated his words while tucking my phone into the pocket of the jeans I was wearing.

Zayn smiled and left for his class. Me and Brandon did the same, clutching our books.

"So, when's the wedding?" Brandon asked and I hit his arm playfully. We both started laughing and went to the class.

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