Chapter 23...

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I didn't want to have this conversation but the look on Hunter's face told me I wasn't going to get out of it. We were finally going to have this talk.

"Hunter." I sighed placing my fork down. "Your parents never liked me. From the moment they laid eyes on me they deemed me unworthy."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You never saw it!" I snapped. "You never saw the looks or the comments made about me. Every single person hated that I was with you and trust me they made that well known." He started to talk but I held a hand up to stop him.

"You never noticed the way all the girls made fun of the way I dressed, the way I looked, even my hair. Everyday I had to hear about how I wasn't good enough to be with you, the star quarterback. The guy who deserved someone better, prettier." I could feel tears wanting to gather in my eyes but I pushed them back.

"Your own parents said the same thing. The moment your mother laid eyes on me she deemed me unworthy of loving her son. I was never good enough in her eyes." Hunter stared at me in disbelief, like he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"I tried Hunter. God I tried so hard to get her to like me. She acted civil whenever you were around but as soon as you turned your back I had to hear how I was 'hindering' your life." My heart was pounding painfully in my chest as I recalled the words.

Hunter reared back as if I slapped him. I hadn't wanted to tell him about his mom. No one wanted to hear about how rude their mother was or the hateful things they've done. In their eyes their mother is an angel. And yes, his mother probably was but back then she wasn't to me.

"But why would she say that?" I could tell he was trying to make sense of all of it.

"Because it was the truth." His head snapped up to meet my eyes. I shook my head sadly. "She was always right I just hadn't realized it."


"She told me I wasn't good enough, everyone around us said it too and I realized too late they were all right. I would never be good enough to be with you Hunter." Tears slid down my face. Once again I pushed aside the words believing I could have a second chance with Hunter, but I couldn't. He couldn't be stuck to someone like me.

"Why the hell are you saying that!" Hunter snapped, standing up forcing his chair to slid backwards. His were flashing angrily as he looked at me.

"Because its true!" I yelled back, standing up as well. "Your mother told me I wouldn't go anywhere with my life and look!" I threw my arms out. "I haven't gone anywhere! I run a small bridal shop that barely scrapes by, I have piled up bills from my mom's cancer treatments that I can barely afford to pay off, I didn't even finish my degree! Yet look at you!" I gestured towards him.

"You are now the best quarterback in the league. You've won three SuperBowls and you are only 27 for crying out loud! You were made to great at what you do. You got your dream."

"What does that even have to do with this?" He snapped, shaking his head at me. "Me playing football has nothing to do with being with you!"

"Yes it does! I would have held you back! I couldn't, I can't, be the one to hold you back from your life. I won't allow it." I angrily swiped at the tears on my face. "I knew if I told you about my mom you would have dropped everything to be here."

"I would have, damn it! You should have told me Mia!"

"And let you leave your FIRST ever Superbowl to be here and do nothing? No. You would have thrown away your career." I shook my head. My whole body was shaking as I talked.

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