Chapter 21...

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Mature scene up ahead. If you are younger than 18 you probably shouldn't read it but I can't exactly stop you either. If you don't like mature scenes (aka sex scenes) then I'd advise to just skip this entire chapter.

BUT this chapter won't be extremely descriptive. I won't go into that much detail with it, if you want that maybe try somewhere else :P

I'm not the greatest when it comes to sex scenes so bare with me, I will try my best and die of humiliation knowing you guys will be reading this. 

So anyways, just a heads up!


Hunter followed behind my car as I lead him back to my apartment. I kept glancing through my review mirror every few seconds to make sure he was still following and didn't turn around. The fact that he said yes and was following me filled my heart with a bit of hope that he was feeling something. What that something was, I'm not sure yet.

My palms were slightly sweaty as I parked my car and got out, meeting Hunter at the front of the car. Silently we walked towards the elevator and as soon as the doors closed I could feel the shift between us.

Our bodies turned to face one another and I stared up at him, desire pooling in my stomach. All my pent up emotions were slowly coming to the surface as I looked at him. Hunter's eyes were a midnight blue as he gazed down at me intently.

Thoughts that I had been suppressing from the moment I saw him last night rushed forward. One second we were looking at each other and the next my lips were pressed against his. My hands reached up to tangle in his hair as his own gripped my hips so hard I'm pretty sure I'll have bruises in the morning.

All of our emotions seemed to explode as we practically attacked one another. His tongue snaked out of his mouth and softy poked my lips, asking for permission and I gladly gave it. I pressed my front tightly against his as his tongue moved with mine.

I barely heard the ding of the elevator and pulled away. Hunter's face was a mask of pure want and the way he stared down at me like he wanted to devour me, my legs almost gave out. Not wanting any of my neighbors to come out and catch us, I gripped his hand and tugged him after me towards my door.

The entire time I could feel his eyes on my ass. He always seemed to have a fascination with my ass. As I got my keys out to unlock the door Hunter surprised me by moving my hair to the side and started planting kisses up and down my neck.

A shudder went down my spine at the action, my eyes closing on their own. When he started to softly suck at the spot right below my ear I let out a moan. He still knew where to kiss that made me weak in the knees.

I forced myself to open my eyes and fumbled to open the door. I almost couldn't get it open fast enough and as soon as I did Hunter was shuffling me forward and kicking the door shut with his foot. Not even a second later my back was pushed against the closed door, Hunter's lips back on mine. 


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