Ch 1. Life as I know it

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Today was the day, my last day. Last day of High School! It was finally here, after so much hard work I did it, I could see the end. I was excited! So many changes were coming in the next 10 weeks, at the end of this summer I would be across the country in Cambridge, MA attending Harvard's Pre-Med program. Being a doctor has always been my dream and I was going to make it happen. My pack was going to pay for all my schooling, with the stipulation that I come back after and become a new pack doctor. It was a deal I was more than willing to take, I would have been crazy to turn it down.

My alarm started blaring at 4:30 am, just like every other morning. I turn off the alarm and grunt, ugh, throwing the covers off me. Getting out of bed I throw my curly brown locks into a pony tail, securing it with a hair tie. Taking off my dad's worn old t-shirt that I sleep in, I put on my pink sports bra and a pair of running shorts. Next, I slide my sneakers on, grab my iPhone and Bluetooth headset. Walking out into the brisk spring air I turn on my music and start running, listening to "Wolf Like Me", my feet rhythmically hit the pavement as I run down the road, heading to the local fight club.

I have never been one that likes to train with the pack, just was not my thing. I much preferred training at the fight club, it gave me a different perspective. I have done this for years and everyone here was like a second family. John was the owner, he was older now in his 60's with salt and pepper hair and standing at 6'3 he radiated strength. You would never know that he was that old with how active he was. He still trained and boxed with even the younger people. Honestly, the only thing that gave him away was his hair and how after a long day he would always say, "I am getting too old for this. My joints are killing me." But, he was not going to stop. He loved it too much, we all kept him young.

I open the front door. "Ally, about time you got here!" I heard John's familiar voice yell across the gym.

I look down at my iPhone, "It is only 4:45 John. I am not late." I shout back at him.

"Hurry up! I have a new sparring partner for you."

I ran back to my locker and put my phone in, taking out my mouth gear and grab a towel off the rack. I have a feeling that John is going to put me through the paces today.

"About time! I found someone that is as proficient in Taekwondo as you are. That black belt of yours makes it impossible to find someone you can spar with. Still go easy on the kid. He is new in town and I don't want to scare him off."

I looked at John and rolled my eyes, he hates when I do this, and I walked by him. Guess it is Ju Jitsu training today, I was really hoping to work on weights and conditioning. I walk over to the mats and there is a tall guy, probably about 18 with sandy red hair and broad shoulders. He was fairly tall too, about 6', not as tall as John, but still tall. I stood at 5'10, so his height and size did not intimidate me.

John came over to us, "Okay, just since you are new here," he began turning to the new kid, "We fight clean here, no cheap shots. Be respectful. When you hear the whistle, stop fighting. Got it?" We both shook our heads in acknowledgment of the rules. "So, Ally this is Jake. Jake this is Ally."

"Allison, please call me Allison." I corrected.

"Nice to meet you Allison. I am looking forward to our match." Jake said in his calm, steely voice. He really did have a gorgeous deep voice. I think I could listen to it all day. I shake my head, clearing it of these thoughts. Time to focus.

45 minutes later I was wiped out. It was nice that there was someone new to spar against. There are not many other people in our town to spar with. And since I am at a human gym I do not have other wolves to spar against. I really do have an unfair advantage. Training with the pack was never something that you had to do unless you were going to train to be a warrior and I wasn't, but I still wanted to be trained in fighting techniques. So, I sought it out myself.

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