Chapter 15- The Game Plan

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~Conner ~

"Well that was..." Lilly trailed off, clearly unsure of how to describe it. I couldn't help but agree.

We were now making our way up Alex's driveway, which was 3 times the size of my entire house. I glanced around warily, tightening my grip on Selena's hand as familiar memories surfaced. The last time we were here, Selena and Alex were being held hostage by a psychopathic bartender. At the time, if Jerry and I had showed up here even five minutes later than we did, there was a good chance that my girlfriend would have been killed. And this was the very pathway where we had nearly died.

Tom was still pretty out of it, though he had recently regained consciousness. Now, he trailed behind Lilly like a sleepy puppy, loosely gripping onto the back of her unitard as a guide. On any other circumstance, I would have found this to be amusing.

"This place is just as depressing as I remember it." Jerry commented, folding his arms behind his head as he looked around with mild interest. "Maybe you should move, Alex."

"Shut up." The red head's reply was sharp and immediate. Ever since we had escaped from the gang, (out of all the problems we've gotten ourselves into, that was by far the the strangest one), Alex has been moody to the point of giving everyone whiplash.

No doubt, she was embarrassed about what she had revealed to us, and honestly I couldn't blame her. At the time, she must have been counting on her death-by-gang to burn her secret along with our bodies. (Which is horrifying, but more than likely accurate.)

The only person unfazed by her behaviour, and seemingly unaffected, was Selena. Since their little cry fest in the back seat of our near-death getaway car, the two were putting every bromance I've ever had to shame.

Her eyes practically glittered with affection as she stared at Alex's back a few paces in front of us, and I could almost see the pink aura radiating off of her person. If my grip on her hand wasn't so tight right now, I was positive that Selena would not be by my side right now.

After a long period of silence filled only with the sickening mixture of both icy distaste and overbearing affection (from various sources- *cough cough Alex and Selena), we finally reached the front door. Alex opened the door and stormed inside, not waiting for us to follow.

"Damn rich people." Jerry muttered to himself. "Doesn't even bother locking the front door to her freaking house!" He followed after Alex, calling after her. "You know, that's a huge safety hazard!"

Out of all the people here, you'd think that he would be the most affected by what happened, right?

"I guess he's just that much of an idiot." I concluded out loud. Selena nodded and rolled her eyes, as if reading my thoughts.

Hand in hand, we walked in after the bickering pair. The looming dread that was hanging above my head followed close behind.


"Is anyone else home?" Lilly asked from her position on the sofa. She was sitting with Tom's head in her lap, since he had fallen back asleep almost immediately after he stopped walking. Seriously, I think that he got lucky that he stopped in front of the sofa, or else I'd be peeling him off of the floor right about now.

Alex shook her head. "No, my dad works a lot." She replied tersely, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the nearest lamp. Poor lamp.

"So," Selena began, wiggling next to me for a more comfortable position. "Are we gonna talk about it?"

We were cuddled on the floor, leaning our backs against the sofa where Tom was still snoring away.

Best-Friends with IssuesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora