Chapter 3- All's Fair in Love and Bickering

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45 minutes.

That's how long it took for them to separate me from Selena.

As soon as I saw our mothers approaching us with pitying expressions, I immediately knew what was about to happen. My grip instinctively tightened on Selena, and I could feel her tremble as she watched them approach with nervous eyes.

But despite our best efforts, I was finally pried off of her with the oh-so-helpful assistance of 4 police officers.

Selena was crying as I was dragged away, looking so sad and broken that it just about killed me, and all I could see was red as I shoved and growled at everyone keeping me from her. I managed to halt our movements with some particularly aggressive resistance, but after another 3 or so officers were called in for back-up, I was quickly slammed into the backseat of my mother's car.

She had taken to immediately locking it, of course. I glared at her through the rear view mirror, but she only gave me an apologetic grimace and then continued to avoid my gaze.

I slumped back into my seat, tilting my head back to blandly stare at the ceiling. I don't think I had ever felt so angry, just watching Selena cry like that and being unable to do shit about it. Even when we had been held hostage by that nutcase weeks ago, at least I had been there to hold her and comfort her.

But this, this was just infuriating.

"Conner, baby." My mother tried to speak to me several times during the car ride home, but I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I might take out my anger on her.

My mom and Selena's mom were probably the only people fighting on our side right about now. Of course, they had been planning our wedding out since kindergarten, but nevertheless they were not the people who I should be feeling angry towards.

As soon as the car had come to a sort of stop outside our house, I reached over to the front seat and pressed the unlock button, now that my mom was no longer paying attention to my escape artist tendencies. I flung open my door and didn't wait for her as I stormed inside, purposefully not daring to glance down the road at where Selena's house was.

I had had enough heartache for one day.

But as soon as I walked in the front door, I suddenly wished I was back in the backseat of my moms car, pretending not to notice her pitying gaze on me.


I stiffened at the sound of my fathers voice. I turned towards the living room, and sure enough my father was sitting on the couch.

I've been told that I was his spitting image, and it pained me that I had to agree. I had inherited the same mischievous green eyes, lean build, and dark hair, though his was perfectly combed into place while I couldn't be bothered. He didn't say anything else, and was openly glaring at me like I was about to rob his house.

Which would be pointless, since well, I live here.

"What?" I snapped, my most recent separation from Selena having me on edge, and I felt that I could explode at any minute.

His eyes narrowed into slits. "Don't you use that tone of voice with me!"

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, but my scowl gave away how little humor I found in his words. "And so the pot calls the kettle black."

He scowled right back. "I never knew you would grow up to become such a disappointment."

Okay, I'll admit, that hurt. A lot, actually. But I had become quite good at disguising any hurt I felt with anger, a much more pleasant emotion.

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