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back with a bang! triple update!



She had lost count of the amount of days since her and Seth had talked. While it felt like weeks, it could've easily have been days.

He'd made a point to avoid her at every opportunity, only making her more confused about the situation. She was worried it would be painful to be around him, but he wouldn't give her a chance to experience that as he was actively trying to spend as little time with her as possible. She'd rather take the pain than not seeing him at all.

Daisy had unfortunately gotten used to him sitting a few seats away in the canteen, quickly and quietly eating his food in an eager to leave. Levi and Nate were awkwardly put in the middle like two children with divorced parents.

Luckily, Seth kept to himself so the boys would still accompany her around the prison. It would've made the whole situation a lot worse if the innocent little prisoner was left to fend for her self without her usual protective bodyguard.

She wondered if he would actually care if something happened to her.

"Oi. He's looking at you again."

She frowned as Levi said this and mumbled, "you don't have to say that every time he's in the room."

"But it's true," he insisted. When she ignored him, he pouted like a child saying, "I just want you to know he still cares."

"Then- then why did he break up with me? Why is he giving me the silent treatment and why does he hate me?" She almost screamed the words in his face but refrained in doing so, knowing that the other prisoners didn't need to see her having a mental breakdown.

Heartbreak is so overwhelming.

"Ok, relax. You're being dramatic. He didn't break up with you and he definitely doesn't hate you."

"But he is giving me the silent treatment," she replied moodily.

Nate hugged her to his side and kissed the side of her head warmly. "Just give him time, sweetheart."

Perhaps he was right. Seth was an emotional person, evident in his frequent mood swings. So maybe when the anger and jealousy disappears, his judgement wouldn't be clouded. Maybe then he'll listen to her explanation and actually believe it.

Daisy had a little hope. Or maybe she was just delusional and it was all wishful thinking.

Either way, she wasn't giving up on her Seth.

She glanced over her book to sneak a glance, only to find him already looking at her. Neither looked away but where her gaze was more longing, his held more disgust and resent.

Suddenly, a large round belly broke her gaze. Dave was looking down at her with worry, making her stomach churn at the thought of what he was about to say. Surely it wouldn't be too awful. There wasn't much more misfortune Daisy could take.

"Sorry Daisy. You're switching cells," he said.

She immediately stood up, almost outraged. "What? W-why?" She shouted up at him. It was extremely difficult to feel intimidating when everyone was so much taller. Taller, buffer and a lot more capable of throwing a mean punch to name just a few of the reasons.

He frowned, looking upset to see her in such a state. "I don't know. The Governor just said take you to your new cell."

"No no no no there has to be some sort of mistake. Daisy's done nothing wrong why would she be moving?" Nate said, pulling her to his side protectively, ignoring the loud bell that signalled them to go to their scheduled work or lessons.

Innocent Prisoners | COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin