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A bit of privacy was very hard to find in a rowdy, chaotic prison. But there were the rare days that people were a little too tired to cause fights and thus were a little calmer. Perhaps they were missing their families or were full on a large meal but regardless, it made the prison atmosphere a slightly less terrifying.

Absorbed in a book, Daisy found it easier to escape into a completely different world and forget about where she was altogether. Though she had a loving boyfriend and caring friends, being trapped inside the same stone walls would bring anyone's mood down.

But now, a smile graced her porcelain face as she read a new book, swaddled in one of Seth's spare sweatshirts with her legs crossed comfortably on the old leather couch. Loose strands of light brown hair fell from her effortless messy bun, touching her cold pink cheeks.

Unknown to her, Daisy's naturally angelic and calming aura would enhance when she was content. Somehow, it was enchanting, almost hypnotizing, to the other prisoners in the room. Because Seth was elsewhere for once, many didn't hide their stares. Though they carried on with their activities and friendly chat, it was as if, like Seth, they wanted to hide their violent and loud selves away from the little girl.

Seeing her jump at every loud noise like a frightened doe in a forest, any that threatened to cause a ruckus was practically escorted into the yard by Nate, Levi and even some of the other prisoners. They had taken a protective role to the girl who served them innocent smiles and desert akin to those of a gourmet restaurant.

Daisy, of course, was too engaged in her book to notice.

"Psst, hey Daisy?" Owen whispered next to her. He was hanging around a them more often now and sometimes, he'd even be brave enough to talk to her when Seth was there too.

She hummed in question, turning all her attention to her friend with a smile.

"What's the seven-letter word for clergyman's gown?" he asked, giving a wave his book of crossword puzzles.

A few days ago, a woman in a fancy looking suit was walking around with prison with a clipboard and shortly after asking Daisy what she thought could be improved, a large box of books arrived in the common room. They also started to play classical music over the speakers. It was supposed to be calming and apparently, it was working so Daisy wasn't complaining.

Tapping her chin in thought, she finally said, "cassock"

Owen's eyes widened as he scribbled the word down. "How are you so good at these?!"

Just as she shyly shrugged, Levi proudly stated, "our Daisy's a genius." She shook her head and blushed as Nate nodded in agreement.

Pointing to the ceiling, Owen asked, "do you know what song this is?"

They strained to hear the quiet melody of piano keys. Surprisingly, Daisy did know the answer because it was one of her favourites. "T-Träumerei by Robert Schumann"

"Genius," Levi stated matter-of-factly.

"Did you know the guy would plunge his hands into the entrails of slaughtered animals to heal him?"

Daisy shrieked and covered her mouth with her hands in shock, utterly grossed out by Owen's fact. Before anyone could respond, Dave made his appearance known. "You have a visitor, Daisy."

Her lips parted in brief shock, before quickly scrambling to her feet and excitedly following the prison guard out of the room and to her supposed visitor.

She had no contact with outside world in months so despite not wanting to see her family, she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to bravely tell them that. In a safe, public area of course.

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