Chapter 31

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We sat in the office, fully cleaned up, which took over an hour to do by the way, and got down to business. Liam and I sat together at the head of the table, our Betas to our right, and the head Warriors to the left. The warriors needed to know the full story in order to prepare for what's to come, but we won't tell the entire pack everything yet. There's too much unknown and we can't cause a panic. 

I look at my mother and see her mentally preparing herself for what's to come. She knows that we need her story, I need to know what he did to her. It'll help us know how to defeat him, and I just need to know or I'll drive myself crazy wondering. 

She takes a deep breath and looks right at me as she starts talking,

"So, the day of the attack, I told you to run. Remember?" I nod my head. Of course I remember. I remember everything from that day. The way my dads neck way sitting at an unnatural angle, Dead. And my brother...

she interrupts my thoughts, "After you left, I thought I was dead, but I was wrong. I laid there for more than a day before the rogue pack returned. The Alpha himself came through, wanting to see the damage he caused and to see if they could take anything from us. I think that was the original reason for the attack.

He came up to me and saw that I was alive, he had his men take me with them. For the first few weeks I didn't know that they had you. I thought you had actually escaped. Until one night, I tried to escape..." she pause, a tear running down her face as she looked away from me. 

"They caught me, but instead of punishing me for running away, I was tied to a chair and they brought in a TV."

Mariannes POV

I struggled against the ropes, but they were soaked in wolfsbane and I knew I would never get out of them. The Alpha watched my defeated face and smirked.

"Fine! You caught me! Just beat me and get it over with Asshole! My mate and children are dead, nothing you can do to me can hurt me anymore than that fact." I cried, Feeling the loss of my mate. My Children.

This made the Alpha laugh outright, but I don't know why.

"You stupid bitch. You're going to regret trying to run away from me. But don't worry, it's not YOU who's going to feel pain for your actions." I look at him confused, why wouldn't he hit me? It's not like I want him to, but I've come to expect it these last few weeks.

The second he turns on the TV my heart stops and I understand what he means. My Baby...No. NO. I thought she got away....

"Don't hurt her! Please! I'll do anything just please let my baby go." I plead with the man, tears already running down my face but he just smiles.

"Oh it's too late for that. She's been beat in the past, but because of you, this will be worse than ever." I can tell he mind links someone, and then I see movement on the screen

I see Ember curled up in the corner, in only a bra and underwear as a man comes onto the TV. The Alpha makes me watch as the man takes out a whip wrapped in barbed wire and starts to whip my baby girl. Her screams are something that will forever haunt my nightmares. 

I didn't even hear my own screams, my pleas for them to not hurt my girl. They just ignored me anyways. When the mans done with the whip, and Ember is on the ground, looking an inch from death, he takes out a knife and carves a symbol onto her hip. She's almost too far gone to scream this time. Almost..

Embers POV

As my mother talked she left her mind open, I don't know if it was on purpose or not but it resulted in everyone in the room seeing her memory. I look down, not making eye contact with anybody as my hand immediately goes to my hip. The symbol was their packs mark, one that they made sure to re-carve any time it started to heal. Just one of many scars they left on my body.

You're beautiful. Liam tells me in our mate link. I never block him out anymore, so he feels my pain at the memories. Your scars just prove to me how strong you are, I hate that you had to go through that, and I'll make sure you never feel pain again.

I look up at him and move from my chair to sit in his lap. Silvia and I need our mate, and we instantly calm down once we're in his arms. I give him a kiss on the cheek, thanking him for his support.

When I focus back on the room I don't see a single dry eye. A few months ago I would have shut everyone out, not liking for anybody to know what they did to me. I still don't like it but this is my pack, my family, and I need them in order to heal.

My mom sits with her head down, not meeting anyone's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Ember. The pain you went through, because of me. I'll never forgive myself."

"It's not your fault mom. It's his. What happened after that day?" I question, not knowing if I actually want the answer.

"After that I did everything they said. I never fought back, because any time I thought of doing it they threatened you. They told me that as long as a behaved, you wouldnt be harmed, so I did."

I let out a sharp laugh at that, making her look up quickly. The laugh held no humor, only pain. I wouldnt be harmed? Bullshit!

She looks paniced, "They didn't hurt you again did they?"

Liam lets out a growl, I'm sure he's remembering all the pictures and videos we got delivered to us from the Rogue. I lean further into him as I answer,

"Yes. I was tortured almost everyday until I escaped." At this my mother let out a sob. Knowing she couldn't talk at the moment she simply left her mind open and allowed us to see the rest of the story.

Since she behaved for them, they didn't hurt her that badly. They hit her occasionally, but never too badly. No, they saved that for me. She became one of the maids at the rogue pack. She wasn't in a cage like I was, but allowed to roam freely. Cleaning up after them, cooking for them. They even made her wash the cages in the dungeons. 

She thought she was cleaning up after dead rogues that had been killed in the cells, but I recognized the cell she pictured in her mind. I recognized the lines I drew on the wall, marking each day I had been there. She had been made to clean up her own daughters blood from the cell I was tortured in. And she did it because she thought she was keeping me safe. 

Overall my mother didn't know much that could help us defeat the Rogue Alpha, except she did know their camp site very well. She used her freedom to her advantage and learned their tactics. She told us how when she was doing laundry she could watch over their training sessions, and told us about some of their weaknesses. She also mentioned that there are other maids for the pack that were in the same situations as her, behave or get beat. She said that they were all good friends and they would be willing to help us. 

At the end of the meeting I walked over to my mother and silently gave her a hug. then without a word, I left the meeting room and went up to me and Liam's bedroom. I know he's following me, but giving me some space. 

I appreciate it but right now all I want is to be in my mates arms. So I stop walking toward to bedroom and turn around. I see him a few feet behind me and he gives me a questioning look right before I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waste. I tuck my face into his neck as I feel him walk into our room. We say nothing he carries me to bed, falling asleep in each others arms after a very stressful day.

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