Chapter 39

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I don't rush through the woods. I walk slowly, taking deep breaths. Focusing on the sound on my feet crunching leaves and branches as I walk.

We can't loose control here. I tell Silvia, my wolf. I can already feel her pacing in my mind. She's angry. She's ready.

I'll try my best. This is your fight, but I'm here when you need me...just at least let me have SOME fun here! I sigh at that. This isn't about fun. People are going to die. But I know what she means. She may not have felt the torture as bad as I did, but they still killed her family. Our Dad, and our brother Matthew. We don't even remember their wolves names because of everything that's happened.

Of course your going to have your time. It's OUR fight. And everyone else's too. Though I wish they wouldn't fight. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Silvia whimpers at this. As Luna we are connected to every member of our pack, and we feel each death within our pack.

Finally I get to the clearing in the woods. It's time. We're finally ending this. I can't sense my pack at all, thanks to Endora. Now, this may be a crazy move, but I'm supposed to be bait. They should think I'm out here alone. So I walk to the middle of the clearing, sit down with my legs crossed, and meditate. I used to meditate a lot before I met Liam. Other then fighting, it was one of the only things that kept me in control while fighting my trauma. So now, right before I might die, or my mate or my pack might die, I'm going to meditate. I need to be in control here.

After sitting here for about 10 minutes I hear Liam in my mind, Jason spotted rogues heading south, your way. Probably his backup so the Alphas probably heading to you.

I'm definitely not meditating anymore, just acting like I am. I feel my heartbeat pick up, and Silvia stirs in my mind.

It'll be okay, Love. I just got to the clearing with my crew. They stayed back a little farther but I'm just on the edge of the clearing. I'll be here the whole time. Liam always helps me calm down. But the safe feeling he brings me immediately vanished as a cold shiver runs through my body when I here a voice. HIS voice.

"Ahh look at you, my sweet. Still as beautiful as ever. Although it seems you have lost your manners." He says next to me. I still haven't moved, and I know he doesn't like being ignored.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU SLUT!" He growls. He grabs my bicep and yanks me up. He really thinks he can still control me. I let him know how wrong he is by letting out a fierce growl. And Alphas growl. And mine is loudly echoed by one coming from the edge of the woods. Liam.

"Don't growl at me!" He says and goes to hit me, but I catch his arm as his fist is near my face, not flinching.

"I can do whatever I want. You don't control me anymore!!" I yell at him. He goes to hit me again, and this time it's impossible to ignore Liams roar. It makes the Alpha stop mid punch.

"So your not alone. I should have known...oh wait, I did." He laughs at me. I hate his smile. That was always one of the worst parts, is how he would smile as I got hurt.

APLHA, LUNA, we're surrounded by rogues! Jason yells through the pack link.

Then fight. Liam says simply. Immediately war has begun. Our warrior fighting rogues everywhere. Distracted by the fighting, I see the Rogue Alpha slip away. Probably to hide from the fight. I snap my self back into the fight, letting Silvia come forward a little. I see a rogue about to jump on the back of Lydia and run over, shifting mid air and tackling the rogue away from her. My jaws land around his neck and Silvia easily snaps it. I see Lydia already back to fighting  and I do the same.

Blood is everywhere. All over me. Some of it is mine, most of it is rogue blood. I let Silvia take complete control and she ripped through rogues as though the were dolls. Clawing through throats, cutting open their bellies with her jaws. A couple of the rogues she recognized as his higher ups. Those ones got painful deaths. Occasionally I feel a sharp stab in my chest, as one of our wolves fall.

After fighting for a while I can see Endora battling the witch working for the rogues. She currently has her trapped, vines strapping her to the ground like chains. She's still fighting and throwing spells at Endora, but I'm confident that she can handle it.

Quite a few of the rogues ran a away after they saw we were not going down without a fight. Cowards. But good for us. It didn't take too long before I saw the rogues clearing out...or dying. I have no clue where the Alpha is, or Liam for that matter. I turn my head, looking all around the field. Where is Liam??!!

"LIAM!!" I yell. And again in our mind link, LIAM! Where are you?? I can feel him pushing in my mind, and he allows me to see through his eyes. He's fighting the Alpha.

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