Chapter 84

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The virus that the Grounders sent with Murphy rose our death toll up to 14 lives lost.

Raven, Finn, Jasper and Monty managed to use a bomb that Raven built to blow up the bridge that the Grounders needed to use to get to our camp.

The bomb used up all our remaining gunpowder.

Murphy is now a resident back in camp, despite myself and dozens of others disagreeing with the action.

And we haven't heard from the Ark since the Exodus ship crashed.

It's been 2 days since this all occurred, with no retaliation from the Grounders as of yet.

I feel a lot better in terms of the virus, my ankle is still swollen given the amount of pressure I put it under, but I'm now able to walk on it without feeling any pain. I still have headaches every now and then, and the dizzy spells are kept to a minimum, but a nagging feeling in me says I should talk to Clarke about it, it's just hard to find the right words.

Since Bellamy didn't want to return my gun to
me after what happened at the bridge—which I'm still slightly shaken up about, despite denying that to him—he asked that I join the clean up crew for the drop ship. That meant getting rid of all the cloths and blankets we used when everyone was sick, and trying to wash away all the blood on the floor.

It wasn't a fun job, but it had to be done.

I look up from scrubbing my hands at the water pump as Finn walks in, slightly alarmed to see me standing there.

I look back down at my red raw hands, still scrubbing them with a worn cloth.

"You rub any more and it'll be your blood coming off," Finn comments as he stands over me.

I stop scrubbing and throw the cloth into the water, turning to leave, but Finn grasps my arm as I pass him, stopping me.

"Hey," Finn frowns down at me, "what's wrong?"

"I'm fine, Finn," I sigh.

"Yeah? How about looking at me and saying that?"

My jaw clenches, but nevertheless I look up at Finn, our eyes locking as he scrutinises me.

"What's going on, Chris?" He whispers, his face softening as he watches me, letting go of my arm. "We've barely spoken in days, and when we do we argue."

"Yeah, well," I adjust my position so I stand before him, "a lot's happened."

"Look, if it's about the bridge—I'm sorry."

"For which time?" I furrow my brow at him and fold my arms across my chest. "When you risked your life trying to make peace with the Grounders? Or when you decided to go and blow it up? Because from where I'm standing they're both as stupid as each other."

"Yeah, maybe they are, but you know as well as I do that we can't go on like this," he stops when Murphy comes into the tent.

"Get out," I bark at him.

"Woah," he holds his hands up in defence, "I just came to get some water. Didn't realise I needed a permission slip."

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