Chapter 21.

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We all turn and run as fast as we can away from the fog, leaping over tree roots, bushes and any other obstacles that come in our way. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, and my feet pound against the ground beneath them, the adrenaline pushing me to go faster.

"Come on, there are caves this way!"

Bellamy turns and grabs Charlotte who was ahead of me, helping her to keep up with him. My foot catches onto something, causing me to intake a sharp breath and abruptly fall to the ground with a painful thud.

"Carter!" I feel Atom grab both my arms, helping me to stand again but just as we were about move he cries out in pain and pushes me away, the fog surrounding us quickly. "Go!"



He pushes me away from him and falls to the ground in the process, coughing as the fog makes its way into his lungs. My heart clenches for him and my lungs burn, I turn tail and run towards Bellamy who is standing at the top of an incline and looking around frantically. I crawl up the dirt as fast as possible, gaining Bellamy's attention.

"Carter!" He reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me the rest of the way up and into the depths of a dark, damp cave. 

Bellamy let me go and I fall to my knees, coughing and spluttering, trying to rid the toxic air from my lungs. 

"What was that?" Charlotte asks us, fear etched onto her face. Bellamy and I look at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"I've no idea." Bellamy says truthfully once I've managed to catch my breath and stand, he places a comforting hand on her shoulder and crouches down in front of her. "But we'll be okay, it'll pass." She nods and looks down. "You should try and get some sleep whilst we're in here, okay?"

She nods again and Bellamy lifts her up onto the edge at the back of the cave and takes off his jacket to give to her. My eyes are drawn to his bulging muscles as he removes his jacket and I quickly look away, occupying myself with looking around, it really is tiny in here. 

With Charlotte laying down on the ledge, Bellamy and I take the ground beneath our feet, laying side by side, reluctantly rather close to one another. 

I lay my head down on the ground, and shift around a lot before cursing and sitting up abruptly, shrugging off my jacket and leaving me in only my faded and rather dirty, grey vest top.

"What are you doing? You'll freeze." Bellamy watches me quizzically as I remove my jacket. 

"Well at least my neck won't be broken." I reply, the rock beneath us is way too hard for us to keep our heads on. I fold my jacket in half and fold it long ways, pushing the end towards Bellamy's head of curls. "Here, put your head on this."

I lie back down again, letting my head rest on the thin material of my jacket. It isn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it's better than before. After a moment I hear Bellamy shift, clearly moving closer to lay down on the jacket also. My breath hitches in my throat when his hand grazes mine, and I hear him take in a sharp breath at the contact.

"God, you're freezing." He comments. 

"Heart of ice." I reply quietly, remembering Charlotte trying to sleep. 

"I don't believe that." He says quietly also. I turn my head to face him to see that he is already looking at me, a serious look in his eye. 

It's rather dark in the cave, but earlier it was easier to see than it is now, meaning it's getting dark outside. Bellamy's bright eyes are the easiest thing to make out, and it takes me a moment to realise that we're both staring into each other's eyes.

"Well, you're the only person who does then. Aside from Finn."

"What's your deal with him?" I see Bellamy's eyebrows drop into a frown. "The first time I saw you guys together you seemed close, and then you were arguing. Are you like..." He seems to be choosing his words carefully, but at the same time reluctant to say them, "Together?"

"God, no." I shake my head and Bellamy visibly relaxes. "Finn is..." I can't help but sigh. "He's complicated. Growing up, all I can remember is Finn, he was just always there, you know? We used to live next door to each other and we hung out practically every day. We're closer than just friends. He's like my brother." 

Silence covers us like a blanket, and for some reason, despite the fact I know I should, I just can't stop talking. It seems Bellamy can sense this, as he lies in silence and allows me to talk freely while he takes in what I say.

"Finn was there for me through almost everything. He knew everything about me and my family, he was family, but when I got arrested...everything changed." The last two words come out quieter than the rest, and I swallow thickly, a lump caught in my throat. 

"What happened?" 

I can feel Bellamy's intense, curious gaze burning through the side of my face, and for some reason, I want to tell him.

I know that I should tell him.


Enough now, Christine. 

Remember what will happen if Bellamy finds out the truth? He'll cut you out from the top of the food chain and maybe even kick you out of camp. He's a rebel for sure, but he's a leader and even he won't want your toxicity anywhere near his empire.

He's your ally, not your friend.

I swallow once more and turn onto my side so my back faces Bellamy, my head resting on the very edge of my jacket to put as much distance between us as possible. 

"Good night, Blake."

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ