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**** Bobbi rushed back into the room and stopped when she saw the head of the bed propped up and the occupant alert. He was listening closely to the doctor nodding here and there and asking some very medically technical questions. She hadn't realized how knowledgeable he really was. No wonder the ranch valued him so highly when someone was injured.

Somehow, she always had this vision of him as being just a little more than a glorified school nurse.

'He would make a great doctor and he seems so knowledgeable. Wonder if he would like to go on in the medical field?' She thought.

She had known that he was a medic, but not that he had almost finished medical school, it had never occured to her that he really did have what it took to be a doctor. She felt ashamed that she had so obviously misjudged him and in doing so had done him a grave disservice. She had not given him the credit or the encouragement he so rightly deserved and needed.

Suddenly, she felt like she didn't deserve to be there and was about to back up when Patricia spotted her.

"Bobbi, there you are." She smiled with a mischievous gleam in her hazel eyes.

Bobbi groaned inwardly, 'I'll give her a piece of my mind. I'll set her up with a blind date. That's what I'll do. Yeah, I'll set her up with Brett, again.'

Rowdy turned his head to face her. Green eyes met blue and she felt warm all over. She would never understand the reaction he caused in her.

'Darn the man any way. He probably knows and does it just to spite me!'

Trish smiled and kissed her brother's cheek. "I need a little air, aaaand have some shopping to do. I left so quickly I forgot some things. I'm going for a drive, I'll be back later."

"Ok, honey. Bring me back some real food while you're at it." Rowdy squeezed her hand.

"You got it." She grinned and gave Bobbi a huge hug and whispered "Thank you for being here with him." She turned and walked out, giving Bobbi a wink as she went through the doorway.

Rowdy looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Are you goin' to stand in the doorway or come in and talk to me?"

She looked at the ceiling, pursed her lips and then looked back at him. Taking a breath, "Do you really want me to come in?"

He frowned, "What kind of question is that? I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." The warmth in his eyes gave her courage and she stepped up to his bed.

"I owe you a big apology, Rowdy." She looked at him with such sorrow in her beautiful eyes. There was something else, he couldn't put a name to it.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here for you, all this time Rowdy. I should have seen how much you blamed yourself for Brody's death. How good you are and how much you love the medical field, how much a part of you it is. I should have been encouraging you to finish medical school. You would be a wonderful doctor and I....all I could see was my own pain and finishing my own degree, my own wants. I ... I guess. I thought if I threw myself into my work I wouldn't be thinking about you."

Rowdy merely held his good arm out and invited her in. His eyes were soft and full of love.

"Come here, baby," after she sat on the bed next to him, he enfolded her in his arm and held her tight against his hard, broad chest. She never saw him wince, but he would have endured any amount of pain to keep her within the circle of his arm.

"From now on, between us, total honesty. No more hiding our feelings from each other. Maybe from other people, but not each other."

He held her away from his body and cupped her face with his hand. "Promise me, babe. If we're goin' to give us another try, we have to do it right and be totally, honestly committed."

Tears were streaming down her face as she looked into his eyes and caressed his cheek. "I promise. I don't want to go through this ever again, I've been miserable without you. I won't take your feelings or your interests or abilities for granted again....will you give an honest answer if I ask you something?"

"Sure honey, what do ya want to know?"

"Do you want to finish medical school? Because if you do, I am behind you one hundred and fifty percent. You were so close and would make a great doctor."

He ran his hand down her arm and leaned his forehead against hers.

"When we lost Brody, I felt useless. Like all the knowledge and training I had was for nothin'. All that experience and he still died." He sighed and tears sprang to his eyes.

"Oh, Rowdy. I'm so sorry, but you can't blame yourself. You were badly wounded and he was killed instantly. Even if you had been at full capacity, you couldn't have saved him."

He nodded. "I know that now. I... He came to me Bobbs. He came to me and said that he had been given another job in....Whatever realm we go to. He said an angel told him that his last duty on earth was to make sure I came home. He didn't understand until the grenade landed on the ground between us."

Bobbi didn't know what to say. "You weren't dreaming? "

He shook his head, "No honey. Dr Bill said I flatlined. At that exact time, somehow I went to Apple Blossom Hill. He was there Bobbi. Brody was there. We talked... He told me that I was supposed to be here, that I had things to do here and he had things to do there. He said he was honored that God had chosen him to save me and carry out His plan."

Tears filled her eyes.

"He said I had to figure out on my own if I wanted to stay there or come back. I... I didn't want to leave without trying one more time with you. And yeah, I do want to finish medical school, I think the ranch could use a doctor. Drina's doctor volunteered to sponsor me and will even take me on for my residency here, close to home."

Bobbi didn't know if her heart could hold any more happiness.

"I'm so happy for you and I'm so proud of you." She kissed him and smiled through her tears.

"Are you two done in there, or do we have to stand out here all day?" Beau asked grinning from ear to ear. He stepped into the room, cuddling his tiny, new daughter close to his chest.

"I thought ya might like to see the little champ before we take her home."

"No kiddin'? I'm glad she's doin' that well, but I was hopin' to get a daily visit. Somehow," Rowdy shook his head as if a memory was just out of reach. "It seems as though I've seen her in here before."

When Rowdy spoke, Cārlyn's head turned toward his voice and she started looking for him.

Beau chuckled, brought her closer and held her up so she could see Rowdy. Her eyes brightened and tiny hands and legs began pumping toward him in excitement. The little bow mouth began working as if she wanted to talk.

Rowdy smiled back and accepted the little pink bundle with his good arm. "Well, hello there! How's my little champ doin'? You goin' home to be with the big kids? What about Brittany and Alex?"

He grinned as she reacted to his voice. "Hey there, sweetheart. No fair you gettin' to beat me home. Whose gonna keep me company? Keep me outa trouble? I was kinda lookin' forward to givin' you a bottle when the nurses had their hands full."

He pulled her up and kissed her soft little cheek and nuzzled her hair with his nose. She smelled of baby powder and sweetness. Drina hugged her husband's arm.

"Dr. Cox told us to talk to you as if you were awake, he kept you under for two days. So-o-o," she looked at Beau who nodded, "When we've come in for feedings, we've brought her in and put her next to you." She teared up. She nodded to the machines next to the bed. "Your signs always leveled out when she was in here with you."

Beau took up the explanation, "There were times when we could swear she was listening to you breathe.... she'd act like she just did. Like she recognized you."

They all laughed when Cārlyn seemed to nod and Bobbi swore she winked. She knew at that moment that while Rowdy would make a great doctor, he would be an outstanding daddy and felt God had just given her a small glimpse of their future.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now