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**** A grenade hit the ground not far from Second Lieutenant Randy (Rowdy) Kincaid. Before he could react, fellow Ranger, First Lieutenant Brody Kincaid slammed into and propelled him, away from the blast. One Ranger's life was saved by that incredibly selfless act, but he was not left unscathed. Shrapnel had riddled his left arm from shoulder to wrist. One troubled but courageous brother willingly gave his life so his twin would live.

The Ranger looked through the smoke filled air, as his comrades returned fire all around him. One minute he too had been firing at the enemy and the next, he was flat on the ground, his arm and shoulder burned like fire. Blood ran down the side of his cheek, and he coughed to clear the smoke from his throat.

Bossman barked out orders as he knelt beside his friend and worked feverishly to stop the blood flow. "Blasted it all, Rowdy! Don't do this! Stay with me! No! Don't close your eyes! Look at me! Stay awake!"

Rowdy heard Capt. Beau (Bossman) Blanton yelling, but his voice sounded distant, almost muffled.

First Lieutenant Brody Kincaid, had just given his life to save his brother, Rowdy. Beau, Rowdy and Brody had grown up together on The 3B ranch in Montana. Always together, they had been dubbed the 'Three Musketeers.' When the trio joined the Army and then the Elite Army Rangers, they had been kept together due to the positive outcomes and expertise of the three. Even among the Rangers the three were the best at what they did. They were able to anticipate what each other was thinking and communicated without words. As children they had devised and used hand signals. The three men were known to put themselves in harms way before allowing a member of their team to be injured.

Second Lieutenant Kincaid tried to recall where they were and what their mission had been, but his mind was in a fog. His thoughts seemed to be bouncing around like jackrabbits in his head. He knew he had taken a hit, but couldn't actually remember receiving the injury, or what had caused it. As the team's medic, he knew by the symptoms; rapid pulse, clammy skin, dizziness, confusion and numbness...shock, he was in trouble.

A nearby explosion sent earth, body parts and smoke into the air, that rained down over them. The death scream of an enemy soldier echoed through the air. He should have been helping his team, not laying flat on his back being attended to by a fellow Ranger.

Shock hit him hard as he saw his commanding officer take a hit to the left knee. 'Beau!' He turned his head, hoping that Brody had seen Beau take the hit and could help. His heart stuttered when he caught sight of his brother's mischievous, green eyes open and sightless. Seeing the strong body so much like his own laying still, only feet away, covered in blood did he understand what had happened.

'Oh, God no, please... not Brody... my fault, all my fault,' were his last thoughts before darkness claimed him.


Rowdy shot up into a sitting position, he was drenched in sweat, the sheets soaked. He had been reliving his brother's death for weeks now, would it never end? Sometimes a sound, a scent would trigger a flashback. He, himself had nearly died...should have died on that mission and would have if not for Beau and Brody.

Rowdy was exhausted, sleep had been eluding him for almost a year now. Ever since Bobbi had left him and the Ranch last year in the weeks prior to the seventh anniversary of Brody's death. She probably hadn't even thought about it. Her big career as a hot shot attorney was the only thing on her mind anymore. There seemed to be no room in her heart for him or the ranch.

He rubbed a hand down his face and swung his legs out of bed, maybe he'd take a cold shower. It didn't help that it was the middle of summer, one-hundred and five degrees in the shade and the air conditioner had quit last week. Rowdy stepped into the shower and leaned his forehead against the pale green tile - it felt cool and smooth. His head was pounding and his eyes burned and felt gritty from fatigue.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now