T W E L V E.

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[ Chapter Twelve—the volturi ]

It did not rain much in Arizona, but surprisingly, on the day that I was born, it had been

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It did not rain much in Arizona, but surprisingly, on the day that I was born, it had been.

Mom and Dad were by no means rich, but they were smart with their money and where they put it. Dad worked as an electrician—most people did not realize that as blue-collar jobs were becoming less popular, they were also becoming more in demand. Because of this Dad made good money as an electrician.

Mom was a warehouse manager for a local appliance company, a job that she enjoyed enough. Her true passion back in high school had been cooking, but she failed in that industry early on.

Sam Harvelle met Christine Dwyer on a blistering day sometime in late August during '99. Their love story was nothing special, a set-up date by some friends which eventually led to a three-year-long relationship that ended with a semi-successful marriage.

I say semi-successful because Mom cheated on Dad back in 2009 when I was eight, I would know seeing as I was the one who caught her in the act.

Of course, that led to six months of tears, screaming matches, and intense marriage counseling. All in all, Dad ended up forgiving Mom because the reality was that Mom was the best thing he ever had. Her looks alone far surpassed his own, it was a miracle she even married him in the first place.

Thankfully, I ended up pulling my Mom's genes in looks. While some of my features were from my dad, the majority of my appearance mimicked Christine Harvelle née Dwyer.

Overall, my parents' situation was not the best role-model for love.

Before all of that cheating shit went down, my own history with love started two years earlier when I was six. When I was six, pretending to marry fictional characters was all the rave. My own personal preference had been a transformer named Optimus Prime who I continuously married like clockwork every Saturday afternoon for over a year.

Once I caught my Mom with Robert (that was the guy she was having an affair with) in the kitchen. The image of my mother bent over the counter with Robert behind her tugging on her hair is still seared into my mind to this day.

Mom revealed years later that she had thought I was taking a nap at the time.

To say that being exposed to that ruined me was the understatement of the year, it absolutely positively destroyed me. After that, mine and Optimus Prime's relationship was not so much "PG". Rather, my adolescent mind took notes from my mother and applied it to my make-belief relationship.

And suddenly, I was reenacting the counter scene from my mother with myself and Optimus Prime on my kiddie table in my room.

It was two years later when I was ten that I finally got over Optimus Prime and became involved with Andrew Evans. And yes, he's a real person.

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